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然而我还是祝愿妳们白头到老,幸福美满。Whenas I wish you both a lifetime of happiness.

祝你们白头到老。幸福美满。Here's wishing you both a lifetime of happiness.

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那你怎么敢保证就可以跟我白头到老呢?How can you promise that we can grow old together?

希望我们可以白头到老,永不分离!Hope that we can white-headed old to learn, never part!

我愿意和李凤霞长相厮守,白头到老!I would like to stay together, and Feng-Xia Li, to grow old!

祝你们白头到老,早生贵子。Wishes you to grow old together, lives early expensively sub.

阿采尔跟阿克萨非常幸福地白头到老。Atzel and Aksah were extremely happy, and both lived to an old age.

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你能否满怀信心的说你期待着和这个人白头到老?。Can you say with confidence that you are looking forward to growing old with this person?

后来他娶了美国作家尤金·奥尼尔的女儿欧娜,并与之白头到老。Then he married Oona, daughter of the American writer Eugene O'Neill and this marriage lasted.

希望他们可以!我是他们的忠实粉丝,看到这两个人结合,我毫不怀疑他们将白头到老。Hope they will! ! I am big fans of theres and from seeing these two together I have no doubt they will last.

五十年金婚来临,祝你们身体健康,心情愉快,相辅相携,恩爱永远,白头到老。Fifty years of marriage, I wish you good health, happy and hand together, love forever, a lasting relationship.

澳大利亚研究人员近日找到了夫妻白头到老所需的要素,而爱情仅仅是其中的一部分而已。Australian researchers have identified what it takes to keep a couple together, and it's a lot more than just being in love.

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如果女人太过主动地向男人献媚,男人不会拒绝你,但是不会与你白头到老。If woman too too active Xiang Nan's person is kittenish, the man won't reject you, but won't arrive with your hoary head old.

不久,王子和玫瑰公主举行了盛大的结婚典礼,他们幸福欢乐地生活在一起,一直白头到老。And then the prince's marriage to Little Brier-Rose was celebrated with great splendor, and they lived happily until they died.

所谓白头到老,没什么秘诀。只是在相爱时,存下点感动,在冷战时,懂一些感恩。The so-called a lasting relationship, it's no secret, Only in love, save point moved, in the cold war, understand some gratitude.

而会和另一半白头到老的信天翁则通过愚笨的仪式舞蹈互相取悦,让生活变得有趣。And albatrosses, which stay together their entire lives, keep it interesting by entertaining each other with goofy ritual dancing.

这串钥匙属于几年前的一对年轻的情侣。他们天真的以为他们会白头到老呢。Those belong to a young couple a few years ago. They were naïve enough to believe they were gonna spend the rest of their life together.

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比如,原是演员的蓝萍,当年三对夫妻在杭州结婚的时候,问算命先生,是否能白头到老?For example, was originally actor Rampling, when three couples married in Hangzhou, when asked a fortune teller, whether old age to old age?

中华听书网独一的欠好是,用了八年的工夫去一心一意投入一段恋爱,曾经认为那是海枯石烂,曾经认为两小我可以白头到老。The only bad it is, has spent eight years time to throw a paragraph of love, just once believed that is everlasting, once thought that two people can endure.

明光宗朱常洛即位后,他梦想与深爱的妻子上官兰心双宿双飞,白头到老。After bright light ancestor Zhu Changluo takes a seat, he vainly hopes for and deep love wife Shangguan Lanxin lives together affectionately, grows old together.