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谁能定夺所谓的公平?Who decides what is fair?

他已定夺辞去他的职业。Hehas mcl poste up his mind to quit his job.

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我们正等待着看这件事的最后定夺。We are just waiting to see how this thing shakes out.

但是目前还没有发现第二具霍比特人骨骼来为这个争议做定夺。But no second hobbit skull has been found yet to settle the debate.

接受或拒绝本提案得由本公司决策层定夺。To take or reject this offer is up to our corporate decision panel.

要把我们将要遇到的每一个问题事先一一定夺是不可能的。It is impossible to predetermine every specific problem that we will meet.

签约两边都说不想驰扬是果为买卖本身尚未最初定夺。The two sides said they keep mum over the deal because it was only tentative.

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在中国的古代,婚姻大事多由父母或官府定来定夺。In ancient China, marriage was often decided by parents or even the government.

它们佳似运用太阳作为指北针来定夺方向。Theyseemed to end up being utilising the Sun as a compbumm to determine direction.

印度分析家和经济学家称,从何和如何修补这种不平衡还难以定夺。Where and how to fix that imbalance is unclear, analysts and economists in India say.

目前甚至不清楚所有聘用和解聘事宜是否能由韩德胜一人定夺。It's not even clear that all this hiring and firing is at Henderson's sole discretion.

对以色列巴勒斯坦协议的最后定夺而言,沙特-美国同盟也是关键。And a Saudi-US alliance is also critical for final hammering of an Israeli-Palestinian deal.

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他不时到寺庙里和一些老僧闲聊,他的画也时常先由他们来定夺。Sometimes he goes to temple and chat some old bonzes and his painting often decided by them.

许多人在选择住什么地方时会根据那里住着什么样的邻居来做定夺。Many people make a decision about what place they want to live in based on their future neighbors.

关于薪金,请考验本人的工作后再作定夺。In regards to salary, I'll leave it to you to decide after you have seen the kind of work I can do.

网页上的规则同样适用于信息与投诉,照往前交由仲裁者定夺。The site rules also apply to messages and complaints will be considered by the moderators as usual.

总之,究竟要赞赏还是质疑,请您亲眼看看这个视频,再行定夺。Again, just watch the video and decide for yourself whether to be skeptical or amazed at this point.

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于是他集中精力找到一位当地最好的儿科心脏专家,把决定留给专家去定夺。So he focused on finding the area’s best pediatric cardiologist and left the decisions to the experts.

若是定夺预备结婚,那么借着这次新月的影响去定婚吧。If you are dating and ready for marriage, you may just get engaged this month, right after this new moon!

但迄今为止,基于人群的研究有限,其积极的保护作用也仍然有待定夺。To date, population-based studies are limited and a positive protective benefit remains to be determined.