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她曾建立了辽王朝。She has created Liao Dynasty.

每一根树枝都能建成一个王朝。Each branch may become a dynasty.

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英国在都铎王朝时代处于全盛期。England flourished under the Tudors.

伊利莎白一世是都铎王朝的最后一个君主。Elizabeth I was the last of the Tudors.

他结束了193年爆发的内战,建立了塞维鲁王朝。He ended civil war which began in 193 A.

不会等到我们建立起波旁王朝吧!Not till we establish the House of Bourbon!

李逃到西安,他顺王朝的首都。Li fled to Xian, his Shun Dynasty's capital.

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道教的仪礼空间与王朝的正统性。Taoist Ritual Space and Dynastic Legitimacy.

他们建立了闪族统治者掌管的王朝。They established a dynasty of Semitic rulers.

在长期看来,他是金氏王朝的掘墓人。He is digging his regime in for the long term.

王朝花了20年才成功地培育出这个品种。Dynasty spent 20 years to successfully grow it.

他成了复辟王朝的忠实走卒。He became a faithful restoration dynasty pawns.

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希律王朝统治了130多年。The Herodian Dynasty reigned for over 130 years.

叙利亚的塞尔柱王朝建立于1094年。The Seljuk dynasty of Syria was founded in 1094.

细君是西汉王朝的一位公主。Xijun was a princess of the Western Han Dynasty.

大家都希望这个王朝不要如此之快的结束。They just wish the dynasty wasn't ending so soon.

历史上各个王朝均有兴衰。Throughout history em pires have waxed and waned.

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一代王朝的兴衰就像这日出和日落。A king's time as ruler rise and fall like the sun.

开拓殖民地在哈布斯堡王朝就进行过。Colonization took place during the Habsburg dynasty.

亨利会留下来建立新的枪手王朝吗?Will he stay here and set up a new Gooner's Dynasty?