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我把股利画出来Now I'm plotting dividends.

我买股票是为了股利吗Do I buy stocks for dividends?

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那么公司如何决定股利的多少呢How does the company decide on dividends?

他们说,股利政策是无关的They said, dividend policy is irrelevant.

还有一个常用词是"股票股利"Another common term is a "stock dividend."

股利则更加具体The dividend is something much more concrete.

这是1871年的股利价格比This is the dividend-price ratio back to 1871.

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这是免税的,股利还要征税It's tax deductible, whereas dividends are not.

首先,我来讲下股利Well first of all, I should talk about dividends.

一般说来,新公司不发放股利Typically, young companies do not send out dividends.

股利将于二○○六年九月廿二日发放。The payable date for the dividend will be September 22, 2006.

股利与收益间存在一个逐渐变化的过程That means there's a gradual adjustment of dividends to earnings.

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由一家公司部署证券结构并支付股利。One firm would arrange the structure and handle dividend payments.

现在继续探讨股票股利的问题I was going to talk about a stock dividend and I started to do that.

这也意味着你不必因发放股利而减少利润。This means you don't have to dilute profits by paying out dividends.

存在代理成本情况下公司股利政策的相关性研究。Agency costs and the pertinency of the dividend policy of the company.

我来讲讲这个,公司不愿意支付股利I'll talk about this-- the company doesn't ever have to pay a dividend.

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原红衣主教卫生医药技术和服务股利。Formerly Cardinal Health's Pharmaceutical Technologies and Services Div.

这是因为他们不想落下,减少股利的口实That's because they don't want to ever be caught cutting their dividends.

绩优股一般来说会分股利,受到投资者的欢迎。Blue chips generally pay dividends and are favorably regarded by investors.