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李雪峰听说了许多故事。Li has heard a lot of stories.

感谢雪峰延承禅师提供本文。Thank Master Xuefeng contribute this essay.

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生活是欺骗不了的,一个人要生活得光明磊落。——冯雪峰。Life is a cheat, a man is to live aboveboard.

安雪峰是一名环境顾问,现居北京。Steven Q Andrews is an environmental consultant based in Beijing.

我想象着在连绵的雪峰上正下着漫天大雪。Now, I imagined a heavy snow falling on its brooding, icy reaches.

核桃小木主产湘西南雪峰山系漆树区,能在低山、丘陵平原区栽植。It can also be planted in the low lands, hilly countries and plains.

冯雪峰的一生充满悲剧的意味,其中有不少值得后人总结的东西。Feng Xuefeng had a life full of tragic elements, some of which are worth summarizing.

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皑皑雪峰在明月映照下泛出清冷的光泽,也把澄净夜空衬得更加幽蓝。The snow peaks reflect the moonlight chilly , against the even deeper blue night sky.

李雪峰的使命是让离了婚的人生活得愉快一点。Li Xuefeng's mission is to make life a little happier for those struggling through a divorce.

湖岸四周植被繁茂,远处雪峰背衬。There is flourish vegetation surrounding the lake, set off by the peaks of the snow mountains.

位于摩洛哥中心的马拉喀什市,她坐落于阿特拉斯山脉的雪峰山下。Located in central Morocco, Marrakesh rests at the foothills of the snowcapped Atlas Mountains.

雪峰、岩头、钦山等禅师三人结伴四处参访、弘法。Zen Masters Xuefeng, Yantou and Qinshan traveled together to propagate Dharma in four directions.

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昂着头出征,夹着尾巴回家,是庸驽而又好战的人的常态。——冯雪峰。Head high head for home, with tail, is commonplace the norm of a small mind and warlike people a tidy mind.

张雪峰,张庆灵,控制理论基础实验教程,清华大学出版社,出版中。Xuefeng Zhang, Qingling Zhang, Basic Textbook of Control Theory, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, in press.

我的朋友,你的心灵闪耀着东方朝阳的光辉,像那晨曦中孤立的雪峰。My friend , your great heart shone with the sunrise of the East like snowy summit of a lonely hill in the dawn.

湖南沉积型钒矿床主要分布于武陵山区、雪峰山区和湘中龙山地区等。Sedimentary-type vanadium deposits in Hunan are mainly distributed in Wulinshan, Leifengshan and Longshan area.

整体而言,冯雪峰的理论批评虽有对文艺特性的尊重,但却又呈现出“左”的偏向。Generally , his literary criticism respects the nature of literature and art, but it also shows the"left" trend.

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越过眼前土黄色的山丘,隐约已经可以看见远处雪峰的白皑皑的峰顶。Looks over the ocher-yellow massif, the pure-white peaks of the snow mountains have come into view indistinctly.

本文用四部分来论述、分析冯雪峰的现实主义理论,并由此找出他在此期间的转变。This article tries to analyze his realism theory from four aspects and aims to find out his transition at that time.

雪峰隆起北部板溪群板岩伊利石X射线衍射分析显示其经历了低绿片岩相区域变质作用。XRD analysis of the Banxi Group slate in the northern Xuefeng Uplift suggest a lower greenschist facies metamorphism.