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你觉得那瘤子有多重?。How much do you think it weighs?

为什么你要让这个瘤子变得这么糟?。Why did you lwt it get this bad?

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外科医生从她的颈部切除了一个瘤子。The surgeon removed a growth from her neck.

普通地图背上没有很多瘤子,但是黑瘤地图就有很多很大的瘤子。The common map has less, and the black-knobbed has a lot.

旧枕头起了很多瘤子,我就买了一些新的枕头。I bought new pillows because the old ones had become lumpy.

他的脑袋长瘤,瘤子长得很快。He was found to have brain tumors, and they were growing fast.

黄瘤长在皮肤上的一种桔黄色瘤子或丘疹,其中充满油脂。Filled nodule or papule in the skin, often on an eyelid or over a joint.

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在最近几个月,一些受害者的癌症,瘤子曾被诊断出。In the last months by some victims, cancerous tumors have been diagnosed.

真的吗?你把你那可怜的爱情生活与我这破纪录的瘤子相提并论吗?。Seriously? You're equating your pathetic love life with my re cord -breaking tumor?

她还有一只9岁多的狗狗刚刚长了瘤子,又花去她大部分积蓄。One of her 9-year-olds just got tumor and she spent a large portion of her saving to save her.

他们家面对着一处公共厕所,护士经常在那里倒掉切下的瘤子。Their home also faced a public toilet, where nurses often dumped tumors, and the local mortuary.

长时间的接触低浓度的砷可改变皮肤颜色,会导致鸡眼和皮肤小瘤子。Being exposed to low levels for a long time can change the color of your skin. It can cause corns and small warts.

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对陶瓷复合涂层炉底辊辊面结瘤现象,采用XRD、SEM和EPMA等手段进行取样分析研究,结果表明,陶瓷复合涂层炉底辊表面结瘤的瘤子主要成分是铁。The build-up phenomena of ceramic coated rolls were studied by XRD, SEM and EPMA. Results showed that the main composition of build-up was iron.

医生说,在她的喉咙里长了一个瘤子,虽然已经切除,但也破坏了声带。很可能再也无法说话了。Doctor said, In her throat steadily a lump, Although has excised , Destroyed the vocal cord actually, Possibly again also could not deliver the speech.

降低镀层的内应力,改善晶格缺陷、杂质、空洞、瘤子等,容易得到无裂纹的镀层,减少添加剂。Reduce inherent stress for galvanized coat, improve defect, foreign matter, hollow hole and tumor at crystal lattice, easily obtain free galvanized coat, and reduce additive.

瞎眼的,折伤的,残废的,有瘤子的,长癣的,长疥的都不可献给耶和华,也不可在坛上作为火祭献给耶和华。Blind, or broken, or maimed, or having a wen, or scurvy, or scabbed, ye shall not offer these unto the LORD, nor make an offering by fire of them upon the altar unto the LORD.

就像一场癌症已经造成其他经济部门疲软,银行这块已经无法控制的瘤子必须被切除,否则它最终会毁掉整个经济。Like a cancer that has caused the rest of the economy to get sick, the banking tumor that has grown out of control must be removed or it will eventually kill the whole economy.

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瞎眼的,折伤的,残废的,有瘤子的,长癣的,长疥的都不可献给耶和华,也不可在坛上作为火祭献给耶和华。Do not offer to the Lord the blind, the injured or the maimed, or anything with warts or festering or running sores. Do not place any of these on the altar as an offering made to the Lord by fire.