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冲锋队建制的基本单位是单个士兵。The basic unit of organization was the individual trooper.

在我们的血液里已不再存在封建制和君主制的病害。Feudal and monarchical maladies no longer run in our blood.

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一颗树的木料可以或许搜罗充足建制50幢六间房衡宇所需供的量。One tree may contain enough wood to build 50 six-room houses.

柳州正式建制于西汉王朝,距今已有2100多年的历史。Liuzhou was set up in the West Han Dynast over 2,100 years ago.

罗马人正在公元前500年一样建制了一个值得奖饰的共战国。The Romans likewise created an admirable republic about 500 B. C.

新中国成立后,以行政公署建制。After the founding of New China, to the Civil Administration formed.

1983年,交河县撤销,并入泊头市,形成现在建制。In 1983, the cross-river county withdrawn into Botou form is formed.

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法林人社会实行封建制,贵族家族统治下层阶级。Falleen society is feudal, with noble houses ruling over lower classes.

指经国家批准成立的“市”建制的城市。Refers to cities establish with the approval of the central government.

西帕希是以军事服务来换取封邑的封建制骑兵。Sipahis are feudal cavalry, holding land in exchange for military service.

鸦片战争前,中国仍是一个独立自主的封建制国家。Before the opium war China is still an independent state of feudal society.

在制度层面上,它构建了区的组织、乡的建制。In the system level, it established the District's and village organization.

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长子是一个位于山西省东南部的古老的建制县。The count of Zhangzi is a old count located in the southeast of Shanxi province.

奴隶制社会、封建制社会公然实行男尊女卑、夫权统治。Slavery society, feudal society men openly implemented, husband the right to rule.

共和党建制派所能提供的就是抽象的、拥护自由市场的赞歌。All the Republican establishment could offer was abstract paeans to the free market.

直辖市直接隶属于中华人民共和国中央人民政府的建制市。Municipalities directly under the Central People's Government of the organic market.

近年来,建制镇的发展成为县域经济的主要增长点。The development of town is the main growth point of county economic in recent years.

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奥斯曼帝国的封建制与西欧国家不同,很多西帕希领主是基督徒。In western regions of the Ottoman empire especially, many Sipahis remained Christian.

同时,保留上海市财贸管理干部学院建制。Also, keep establishment of Shanghai Institute of Financial and Commercial Management.

由奴隶制五刑向封建制五刑的过渡是中国古代刑制史上的伟大进步。This transition is a great progress in the history of penalty system of ancient China.