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凑合在这儿栖宿一夜吧!Sleep here for the night.

“凑合活着呗,”麦科伊说。Just keeping alive, M' Coy said.

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就请你粗茶淡饭凑合一顿。All we can offer you is humble fare.

他们用剩饭剩菜凑合成一顿饭。They pieced out a meal from leftovers.

我们只是凑合着维持生活。We just manage to keep scratching along.

我们用剩菜剩饭匆匆凑合了一顿饭。We threw together a meal out of leftovers.

你能不能在几分钟内凑合出一顿饭来?Can you toss a meal together in a few minutes?

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他没有很多的钱,可是他可以凑合着过日子。He has not much money,but he rubs along all right.

最好用截管器,不过用钢锯也能凑合。A tube cutter works best but you can use a hacksaw.

我这件棉袄凑合着还能穿一冬。I can make this padded jacket do for another winter.

我忘了我的演讲词,所以我只得临时凑合。I forgot the words of my speech, so I had to improvise.

这是我们所用过的凑合黑头皮肤的最最好的产品了。This is the best product for blackheads that we've found.

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她用厨房里的一点食物凑合成一顿饭。She scared up a meal from the bits of food in the kitchen.

雨,色彩,对比度刚巧凑合地在一起。The rain, colors, and contrast just brought it all together.

只要汤名扬和关心还凑合着锻炼。As long as ShangMingYang and care also make do with exercise.

新打字机到之前她将凑合着用旧的。She'll make do with the old typewriter until the new one arrives.

我们就是在这儿凑合着睡下,在森林里度过了我们的第一个夜晚。It was here that we dossed down for our first night in the forest.

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他实了不讫,居然一个人凑合了这么多的对手。He overwhelmed so many of his opponents alone. Hers really something.

那学生当然知道你是在凑合咯!The students knew I was winging it, but they were very understanding.

我并非木工,但必要时,我也可以凑合着做个书架。I'm no woodworker, but I can knock a bookshelf together when necessary.