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在山的东麓是辛亥革命烈士陵园。In the mountain Donglu was the cemetery of revolutionary martyrs.

“东麓的圣母啊,愿你为我们祷告”,教堂顶部的大红字回应着110年前被围困者的祈愿。“Holy Mary of Donglu, Pray For Us”, say large red characters attached to its railings, echoing the pleas of the besieged 110 years ago.

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敦煌莫高窟位于甘肃省敦煌市鸣沙山东麓断崖上,又称千佛洞。Also called Caves of a Thousand Buddhas, the Mogao Grottoes lie in the steep cliffs of Mingsha Mountain of Dunhuang City, Gansu Province.

新的野外调查研究结果表明,六盘山东麓断裂是一条第四纪以来的活动逆断裂构造带。New results of field investigations show that the eastern Liupanshan piedmond fault is an active reverse fault zone since late Quaternary.

本文采用宏观与微观相结合的方法,研究六盘山东麓断裂的滑动方式。The mode of slipping along the eastern Liupanshan piedmont fault zone is analyzed through both macroscopic and microscopic investigations.

东麓及其所属的保定教区是官方教会与地下教会斗争最激烈的地方。Donglu and the Baoding diocese to which it belongs have been the scene of the official church’s bitterest struggles with underground Catholics.

比赫勒认为,南美安第斯山脉的东部斜坡带,西非的刚果盆地以及亚洲喜马拉雅山脉的东麓是考察的首选之地。Beehler says to expect discoveries from the eastern slope of the Andes in South America, the Congo basin in West Africa and the eastern Himalayas in Asia.

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1924年,中国教会领袖在上海开会教皇认可东麓显圣事件。In 1924, 25 years before the communists came to power, papal recognition of the Donglu apparition was sought by the first meeting of Chinese church leaders.

湖南和贵州东部地区冻雨日数会减少,而在青藏高原东麓等地冻雨日数会增加。The day number of ice rain will decrease in Hunan Province and the eastern part of Guizhou Province, while increase around the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau.

最后还以河南嵩山东麓岩溶洞穴寻找为例,阐述了利用裂隙水偏流寻找岩溶洞穴靶区的方法和步骤。The methods and steps of finding target area of karst caves are presented in the final part of the paper by a case study in the eastern area of Songshan Mountain, Henan province, China.

梵蒂冈同意了中国教会领袖的请求,东麓村成了圣母膜拜中心。Both killers and victims in Zhujiahe were Chinese, so communist histories gloss over the massacreThe Vatican agreed to the Shanghai meeting’s requests and Donglu became a centre of Marian worship.