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我真的喜欢那样的版式。I really like the format.

它定义了版式样式。It defines styles for typography.

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没有标准规格的材料或版式。Non-standard size of any material or format.

亦是制造蚀刻板画的印版式的方法。Also, a process to prepare a plate for etching.

首先,把阅读器和版式分开。First, lets separate RSS readers from the format.

最常见的是PNG和GIF版式的。Most common format found on the site is PNG and GIF.

网站设计商组合的一种很不同寻常的版式。An unusual format for portfolio of a web design agency.

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控制管理文档版式是可以被查看和修改的Control document format, which can be viewed or modified

基于栅格的版式设计并非适用于一切案例。Layouts based on grids are not appropriate in all cases.

将您的光标放在第二个单元格中,并指定版式Put your cursor in the second cell, and specify this layout

两种版式都用我们储存在硬磁盘上的样版。Format both using the template we have stored on the hard disk.

下图是基于斐波那契网页设计的极简派博客版式。Below is a minimalist typography blog based on Fibonacci Web design.

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他通常使用邋遢风格的纹理背景和清楚无误的版式。His uses of grungy textured backgrounds and typography are unmistakable.

在这种版式中空间就尤显珍贵,因为空间愈用愈少。In these formats space is particularly valuable because there’s less of it.

本部分说明如何以版心作为基本版式来设计各页面。This section explains how to create a real page format based on the type area.

复制和版式相得益彰,给罗奇代尔一种审美的声音。Copy and typography complement each other and give Rochdale an aesthetic voice.

一定选用这种配色版式,不然看起来会像是你加入了马戏团。Other was to avoid looking like you joined the circus? Stick to the same palette.

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在页面设置的“版式”选项卡的左下角,你会看到“行号”按钮。You can find the line numbering feature in Microsoft Word under File- Page setup.

选定之后,你就可以剪切、复制或是改变其版式。Once your selection is done, you can then cut it or copy it, or change its formatting.

而在招贴设计中版式设计表现的更为突出。But the format design performance is more prominent in the handbill poster notice design.