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倒是让皇太后看笑话了。Pour is show empress dowager joke.

我就像看笑话一样、看着自己。I like see a joke, look at yourself.

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人们都在议论纷纷。你正在让人看笑话。People are talking. You're committing social suicide.

总把无知的一面露出来,让别人看笑话。The total ignorance of the exposed side, let others see a joke.

这时候,信仰肉体理论的人就看笑话了。Now during all of this,the fans of the body view typically are laughing.

抗议者们向日本餐馆扔鞋,警方则袖手旁观看笑话。The protesters were throwing bottles at Japanese restaurants, as the police looked on laughing.

我深深地受了伤,而你却就这么站着,对这事一笑置之,好像这就是在看笑话一般轻松。I have been deeply hurt, and you're just standing there, laughing it off as if it's some kind of a joke.

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我希望,中国和日本不要在彼此有敌意了,让世界人民看笑话不雅。I wish China and Japan didn't harbour grudge any more for each other. It's not decent before the whole world!

我并不反对喝酒,只是这事太离谱了,餐馆的其他人都看笑话。I am not opposed to drinking, but this is out of control. The spectacle is viewed by other patrons of the restaurant.

我想知道我们上次坠机的时候中国有多少人在看笑话。I wonder how many jokes they made last month when the elder gentleman crashed his US plane into a crowd of Americans.

但是在场上,我们不应该看到的是UNION自己的队员因为任何事情发生冲突,不但影响到我队,而且会让对手看笑话。But in the field, we should not see is his players UNION anything because conflict affects not only our team, and let the opponent see the joke.

正如“天天笑话,祝大家天天快乐”,这里来一个英文笑话每一天,希望大家跟我来在看笑话的同时学习英文!As the topic of "Jokes Every Day, Wish You Happy Every Day ", now here English Humors , follow me to learn English at the time you speak these jokes.

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而且,他也不愿意得墨忒尔再这样大闹下去,让众神看笑话,让老百姓受难,便把哈得斯抢亲的情况,仔细描述了一番。Also, do not want him Demeter again this scene so that the gods watch joke, let the people suffer, then Hades bride theft situation, a lot of carefully described.

亚洲说英语的人们已经变成有点像网络体育,在标志上、T恤衫上、菜单上看到一些糟糕的英语,把它贴到互联网,然后就等着看笑话吧。It’s become something of an online sport for English-speakers in Asia. Find some bad English on signs, T-shirts, menus — wherever — post it on the internet, and let the giggles begin.