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他在一家银行当办事员。He serves as a clerk in a bank.

我还是在做办事员的时候就离了婚。I married while I was still clerking.

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“这可不那么简单,”办事员回答。"It's not that simple," the clerk replied.

他们每天评价办事员的工作。And they evaluated the clerks' work every day.

她向经理申请一份办事员的工作。She applied to the manager for a job as clerk.

办事员们每天估价100英亩的土地。The clerks estimated 100 acres of land every day.

固然可以,女士。我会传告晚班办事员。Dertainly, madam. I'll let the overnight staff know.

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这不止是个别办事员要面对的一个问题而已。That is more than a problem for a few pencil pushers.

一个办事员替我翻译,另外两个人操作注册流程。One clerk translated and two handled the registration.

办事员翻遍了案卷,寻找一封信件。A clerk thumbed through the files looking for a letter.

开了眼界,这项业务总共需要3个银行办事员和戳盖3个印章。In total three bank clerks and three stamps were needed

“不,先生,”办事员回答,“只收现金和签账卡。”"No, sir, "replied the clerk, "Only cash and credit cards.

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提供如何改进计划回馈意见给基金会办事员。Provide TRF staff with feedback on how to improve programs.

八点钟时办事员将那群公鸡锁在房间里。At 8 o'clock the clerk locked the flock of cocks in the room.

而县里的办事员会上门为民主党人登记。The county clerk went to the Democrats homes to register them.

她瞧不起和他一起工作的女办事员。She looked down at another female co-worker who worked with her.

我们决定为会计部聘请一名新的办事员.We've decided to take on a new clerk in the accounts department.

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这位前经理进到里面,径直走到办公室里办事员的写字台边。Inside went the ex-manager and straight to an office off the clerk's desk.

那个叫惠勒的人病了,“一个茶房向夜班办事员报告说。"That man Wheeler's sick, " reported one of the lackeys to the night clerk.

其实,早在成为金融事务委员会办事员之前,罗伯逊就已经当了很多年的游说家。Roberson previously worked as a lobbyist for the financial services industry.