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舟楫是船的正式说法。Zhouji is the formal saying of boat.

江河湖泽给我们以舟楫和灌溉之利。Rivers and lakes provide us with water transport and irrigation.

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万丈红尘,沧海无边,谁借我舟楫,才能得渡,抵达你期待的岸边?Nor in the Red Sea, boundless, who borrowed my boat, to ferry you expect, arrived at the shore?

在花园之外,瓦尔纳仍是一个运转中的港口,除了吊机林立还有舟楫成群。Beyond the gardens, Varna is still a working port and in addition to a sea of cranes I spot cargo ships.

本课题主要目的是研究天王补心丸中桔梗舟楫作用的物质基础及其作用机制。The present study is to elucidate the material basis and mechanisms of Radix Platycodi's vessels-like action.

外国人图绘中国南部港埠,可看出沿海居民早已习于舟楫。An early western view of a southern Chinese harbor shows that coastal residents were au fait with handling boats.

我的心啊,在世界的律动中寻找你的美,一如舟楫有著微风与柔水的优雅。Find your beauty, my heart, form the world's movement, like the boat that has the grace of the wind and the water.

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漳州做为东南沿海的重镇,素有舟楫之便。Zhangzhou, an important city along the East and South Sea, has been well- known for her transportation convenience.

绍兴地区阡陌纵横,河道交错,舟楫穿梭,具有中国典型的水乡地貌。Typical of water town features, the area in Shaoxing is crisscrossed with fields and rivers on which boats shuttle to and from.

夜晚,凭栏远望珠江上的白鹅潭,皓月当空,繁星闪闪,舟楫如梭,鹅潭美景,一览无余。Look into the distance and you will have a nice view of the White Swan Pond in the Pearl River and boats up and down the river with the bright moon and twinkling stars in the sky.