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这个笑话趣味低级。He always panders to low tastes.

我不喜欢这种庸俗低级的笑话。I hate this kind of cheap humour.

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个人比偏私还要低级。Personality is lower than partiality.

他迷恋低级庸俗的娱乐活动。He is addicted to dirty entertainment.

看看玛丽的新裙子!真低级!Look at Mary's new dress! How low-class !

在这里,喧哗吵闹、低级庸俗的谈话是绝对行不通的。Loud crude talk is a definite no-no here.

是一个非验证的低级语法分析器。is a non-validating and low-level parser.

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消遣娱乐应该健康向上,不能低级邪恶。Let your recreations be manful not sinful.

他迷恋低级庸俗的娱乐活动。He addicted to the lavatorial entertainments.

低级别的玩家,需要一个简单的看看单人扑克国艺厂家战略部署。At a low level, you'll need a simple strategy.

你是个低级肮脏的狗东西。这是问题的所在。You a low down dirty dog. That's what's wrong.

许多人认为这种笑话是低级庸俗的。Many people find this sort of joke distasteful.

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这个年轻的军官是从最低级的军阶晋升上来的。The young officer came up from the lowest rank.

是低级语言与高级语言的一种密切结合。An abnormally low level of glucose in the blood.

低级的剧场,一个集高度庸俗与粗俗生活于一体的世界。The cheap theatre a world of high camp and low life.

你知道机器语言很低级。You can see that machine language is very low level.

他们并不知道,这会触发低级别的悲伤。Unbeknownst to them, this triggers low-level sadness.

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他迷恋低级庸俗的娱乐活动。He is infatuated with junior and vulgar entertainments.

快点起来。我已经厌倦你那些低级笑话了。S-Get up off your knees. I don't like your common jokes.

在她眼中,团队比赛代表着苦工制度的最低级形式。To her, team sports represent the lowers form of peonage.