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造型力作为一种天赋,它也是“本原”的。Modeling ability as dower, it also is 'primitive'.

它们分别以所属区域经济具体参数为本原。Each has concrete parameter of its regional economy as primitive.

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另外,也研究了富足半群的本原元。In addition, we also consider primitive elements of abundant semigroups.

人类性取向的本原还未澄清。The origins of human sexual orientation have yet to be adequately explained.

但它们有一共同的本原,这就是人类希望与梦想的本能。However, they have a similar originality, the human instinct of hopes and dreams.

对中心对称本原矩阵的本原指数的缺数段进行了完整的刻画。The gap of the exponents of central symmetric primitive matrices is characterized.

“羌巴舞”是一种古老的原生态艺术形式,它所蕴涵的文化本原十分浓厚。"Qiangba Dance" is an original old artistic form and implies rich cultural source.

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有相同偶数的三维本原勾股数求解及算法。Have the same number of even three-dimensional primitive Pythagorean Solution and algorithm.

通过运用初等数论方法,推导出本原同余数公式。The original congruent number formula has been deduced by fundmental methods of number theory.

把人们所没有的一种感觉定为真理的本原,那真是盲人的一种大胆的杰作。To erect a sense which we lack into a source of truth, is a fine blind man's self-sufficiency.

克罗齐把精神作为世界的本原,他认为只有经过心灵掌握的,才是现实的。Croce thinks that spirit is the root of the world and what is holded by the spirit is realistic.

自然必然性与自由的对立,是人类面临的本原性矛盾。The antagony between the necessity and freedom of nature is an original contradiction man faces.

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研究一类特殊的本原双色有向图,其未着色的有向图包含两个圈。Special primitive two-colored digraphs whose uncolored digraph consist of two cycles arc considered.

研究一类特殊的本原双色有向图,其未着色的有向图包含两个圈。Special primitive two-colored digraphs whose uncolored digraph consist of two cycles are considered.

“物、我为一”思想成为靳之林作品的本原思想又一个基点和向度。The idea of"Thing and I being one"is the second basic standing-point in the art works of Jin Zhi-lin.

当“道”作为世界的本原时,它表现为“无”与“有”、“自然”与“无为”的统一。When the "Tao" is as the reality, it is the unification of "nothing" and "ens", of "nature" and "inaction".

中华文论的文学本原论是三个序列观念的有机整体的联系。It has the third series of ideas, which transcends the two above, that is "tian", "tao" and "tian-ren-he-yi".

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民间美术是我国古老民族创造和审美最本原的精神。The Chinese folk art is the most original of the creation and the aesthetics of our long-history nationality.

在人治国家,最高掌权者的个人意志在社会政治生活中具有本原性与至上性,在理念与现实中均先于、高于法律。The ruler's personal will is the source of political life in the country of Rule of Man and higher than laws.

本原则是一个历史的范畴,是科研活动发展到“大科学”时代的产物。It is a historical term and a product with the development of scientific researches into the "big science" era.