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给卢宾谋到了一个职位。Got a place for Lupin.

是该职位招到人了吗?Was the position filled?

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所有的职位都已摩肩接踵?The positions all filled?

我希望埃里克能继续他的职位。I hope Erik keeps his job.

谁将接替他的职位?Who will succeed his post?

好的,你接受这个职位吗?OK.Do you accept the offer?

我得设法保住我的职位。I have to hold down my post.

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这意味着没有职位没有薪水。This means no post no salary.

你现任嘅职位系?D6. What is your job position?

他在银行谋得一个职位。He got a position in the bank.

他继任市长的职位。He succeeded to the mayoralty.

不过,您的职位是一语中的。However, your post is spot on.

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莉萨在一家银行里有一个好职位。Lisa has a good job in a bank.

你为什么想要这个职位?Why do you want this position?

那个职位还没有人递补。The position is not yet filled.

这个男人从事是什么职位?Wat is de functie van deze man?

任举两个内阁的部长职位。Name two Cabinet-level positions.

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她已获得牛津大学讲师的职位。She's got a lectureship at Oxford.

我们准备调整职位了,We're about to switch assignments,

你是怎么申请到这个职位的?How did you apply to that position?