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您知道如何做蛇形或半月形吗?Do you know how to do the snake or the half-moon?

车行收取你一两百块的蛇形皮带在那里?需不需要更换?。Where is Serpentine Belt Located?Is It Necessary to Replace?

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她头上的蛇形装饰代表着王权。The snake that adorned her headdress was an emblem of kingship.

重点研究了该蛇形机器人的动力学。The dynamics of the new snake-like robot is mainly studied in this paper.

将GPS技术应用于蛇形机器人自主运动控制。In this paper, GPS technology is applied to navigation of a snake-like robot.

在地震后,一个蛇形机器人可能会帮助寻找建筑物下面的人。After an earthquake, a snake robot may help look for the people under buildings.

否则,你的髋部将会偏离中线,同时你的游进方向将会呈现蛇形。Otherwise, you throw your hips way out of line and see some snaking of the hips.

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夜间通过蛇形风管,用热风干燥草捆。At night, the straw bales are dried by the hot air through the snakelike air duct.

提出了一种基于空间连杆机构的蛇形机器人模型。A novel model of snake-like robot based on a spatial linkage mechanism is presented.

为提高蛇形机器人执行各种运动的能力,研制了新型蛇形机器人系统。In order to increase the capability of locomotion, a new snake-like robot is designed.

蛇形画廊2013年的展馆是日本建筑师藤本壮介设计的。The Serpentine Gallery Pavilion for 2013 was designed by Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto.

最后,在做出的蛇形机器人的实体模型上验证了此方法的正确性。Finally, we have made a real model of the snake-like robot and it has proved our forecast.

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一幅鸟瞰图捕捉蛇形路线在秘鲁的多山的查查波耶族地区的一条河流。A bird's-eye view captures the serpentine course of a river in Peru's mountainous Chachapoya region.

‘蛇形排队法’让所有顾客汇集在一条浩浩荡荡的蛇形队伍之中,中间用绳子或障碍物隔开。The serpentine line funnels all customers into one big snaking queue, demarcated by ropes or barriers.

设计了自己的蛇形流场板和直通道流场板,组装两个电池堆。Designing our own serpentine channel flow field and straight channel flow field, and assembling two cell stacks.

流场设计目前采用较多的是蛇形流场,其它的还有网格状流场、叉指形和肺形等。The design of flow-field is also discussed. Among them serpentine-type flow-field plates are mentioned in detail.

蛇形蜷曲的机翼设计用来面对空中的较小风力去产生一个较小的升力。The serpentine aerofoil shape is designed to face into what little wind there is, generating a small amount of lift.

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游客享受天气对他们的蛇形湖船排在海德公园6月3日2010年在英国伦敦。Visitors enjoy the weather as they row boats on the Serpentine Lake in Hyde Park on June 3, 2010 in London, England.

其中有更多的蛇形机器人,航空及海上交通工具用于房屋及桥梁的检查。These would include more snake bots, aerial vehicles and rovers on the ground for inspection of buildings and bridges.

她的2007年蛇形展馆有三个类似伞菌结构的建筑,在今年早些时候已出售。Her 2007 Serpentine pavilion, which features a trio of toadstool-like structures, was put up for sale earlier in the year.