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在美国有前例可循。There are precedents in the United States.

来自前例的Runner.groovy可以如平时一样运行。Runner.groovy from the previous example can run as is.

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这在世界邪教所制造事件中也是没有前例的。It is indeed unprecedented among the incidents of world cults.

最近的金融市场紧张,在图2中可以看到一个前例。Figure 2 also shows a precedent for recent financial market strains.

也许唯一安全的预计是无前例的人口转移。Maybe the only safe prediction is for unprecedented population shifts.

最后,法官通常会简单地否决明确适用的前例。Finally, a judge may always simply overrule the clearly applicable precedent.

当时一名美国官员称此举“立国以来,蠢无前例”。One US official at the time called this the "stupidest thing this country ever did".

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每天负责开班前例会,回顾任何与营业有关的信息。Conduct pre-shift meeting with staff and review all information pertinent to the day's business.

主教的信是发动一场在美国历史上没有前例的诬蔑和恐吓运动的信号。Bishop's letter was the signal for a campaign of vilification and intimidation unequaled in American history.

它完全没有任何具有验证资格的组织来进行监管,因此其含量究竟应该如何没有前例。It is completely unregulated by any certification organizations and therefore has no real precedent to what its content should be.

根据我的经验,前例中的传统项目外观仍然是普遍的,是我们今天见到的一半以上项目的特征。From my experience, the conventional profile in the illustration is still the norm and is characteristic of more than half the projects we see today.

这是个好问题,在台湾短短的民主历史中尚无像这样的一决胜负,所以,政治家与法学家无前例可循。Good question. There has never been this type of showdown in Taiwan's short history of democracy, so politicians and lawyers have no precedents to go on.

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这惊人的寿命的增长,在生物体当中是历无前例的,反映了当前老人的数目急剧上升了。This spectacular increase in longevity, unexampled in the history of living things, is reflected in a current steep escalation in the number of old people.

特朗普称美国应让中国留着偷来的美国潜航器,而几小时前,他在推特上说该国的行动是“没有前例的”Donald Trump has said America should let China keep the stolen US Navy drone just hours after he called the country's actions 'unpresidented' in a misspelled tweet.

当然,在开始这种“面对面”会议前,你要多准备一些前例,以防手下不明白、或者不确定你的意思。Of course, you want to come to this “confrontation”meeting prepared with examples of what you mean in case they doubt what you are saying or are not sure what you mean.

"由这一前例看来,收购一家硬件公司就更不可能成为问题,"他说,"看起来这笔交易很可能会获得通过.""On that precedent, the acquisition of a hardware company is likely to be even less of a problem," he said. "It looks like the kind of thing that is likely to go through."

中国人很重礼仪,他们非常清楚以前的做法,并且常常在协商中引用前例。“The Chinese are extremely protocol conscious and have an intimate knowledge of what has been done in the past and will use it to negotiate the kind of treatment they want,” said Kenneth G.

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另一个人们可能想不到的、对先前案例较少信赖的的因素是会有许多存在冲突的前例,特别是在审判阶段和最初的上诉阶段。Another factor that makes reliance on precedent less predictable than you might assume is that there are frequently conflicting precedents, especially at the trial and initial appellate levels.