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地震仪是由张衡发明的。The seismometer was invented by Zhang Heng.

地震仪是由张衡发明的。Heng invented the seismograph during the Han Dynasty.

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还有,一个如地震仪般机灵,又无所不能的特务小马。Also, who is smart like seismograph, omnipotent spy Xiao Ma.

地震是使用从地震仪观测来衡量的。Earthquakes are measured using observations from seismometers.

地震学家最基本的工具是地震仪网。The most basic tool of seismologists is the seismograph network.

新安装的地震仪将可监听冰河地震的声音。Newly installed seismometers will listen for glacial earthquakes.

充分发挥了数字地震仪的优越性。The advantage of digital seismograph has been brought into full play.

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像这样的便携式地震仪是用来做更详细研究的。Portable seismographs like this one are used for more detailed research.

在这里的频道1是磁力计的资料,频道2是地震仪的资料。Channel 1 in this case is the magnetometer, channel 2 is the seismometer.

同时初步探讨分析了银川台数字地震仪震级误差的原因。The reasons for magnitude error of digital seismograph were also analyzed.

我们用遍布地表的地震仪网络来观测地震。We observe earthquakes with a network of seismometers on the earth's surface.

地震仪可以让我们更好地了解有关近海地震的威胁。Seismometers could give us a better idea about the offshore earthquake threat.

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有效观测动态范围的大小与数字地震仪的种类和配置有关。Effective dynamic range is related with type and configuration of digital seismograph.

阶跃信号在地震仪的脉冲标定和检查中获得了广泛应用。The step calibration signal has been widely used in seismograph calibration and check.

每次爆炸均由地震仪测量,科学家则根据测量结果判定出地壳构造。Explosions are registered by seismographs and they define the structure of Earth crust.

为研究地震,科学家采用地震仪来记录大地运动。In order to study earthquakes, scientists deploy seismometers to measure ground motion.

地震仪、震级和烈度地震的分布和破坏。Seismograph, intensity and magnitude, distribution of earthquake. Effects of earthquake.

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R24系列浅层地震仪电源电路主要是由电源模块组成。The power circuit of R24 series of shallow seismographs mainly consists of power module.

这些数据通过数字化地震仪PDAS-100记录得到,并使用DADISP软件加以分析。These data were recorded by digital seismograph PDAS-100 and analyzed by DADISP software.

一种叫地震仪的仪器把这种反射来的振动波转送到记录器上。Instruments called seismometers relay these reflected vibrations to a recording instrument.