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整个路基都坍掉了。The whole roadbeds slipped away.

路基有两种类型,即路堑和路堤。There are two types of it-cut and fill.

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紧凑的设计,路基安装阀门。Compact design, sub-base mounted valves.

地震后路基沉陷了。The earthquake made the roadbed cave in.

二灰桩在软土路基加固中的应用?。Application of Two-Ash Pile for Reinforcement?

⑦填土路基两侧超填的宽度要切除。Remove the exceeding part of the filling subgrade.

本文就挖方路基施工作以下论述。This paper excavation subgrade construction as below.

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中继线路基板配置于第一芯片上。The relay circuit base board is arranged on the first chip.

路基土石方施工采用机械化作业。Subgrade's earthwork construction is carried out by machine.

没有坚固、稳定的路基就没有稳固的路面。Without a strong and stable subgrade there is no stable pavement.

DBQ4000型塔吊是国内最大的行走式塔吊之一,其路基的设计与施工极为重要。DBQ4000 tower crane is one of the largest walk tower cranes in civil.

路基就是上面铺着道渣,枕轨和钢轨的底基。Road bed is the subgrade on which are laid the ballast, ties and rails.

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岩盐路基施工为特殊的路基施工。Rock salt highway subgrade construction is a special construction method.

课程包括挖掘,开沟,路基平整,开凿等。Topics of study include digging, ditching, grading, excavating, and more.

改良土问题是高速铁路路基的重要内容。The problem of improved soil is important for high-speed railway subgrade.

NGC口袋妖怪XD暗黑路基亚在哪里买精灵球啊?Where does dark dark road of NGC bag monster XD Jiya buy intelligent ball?

目的为了从地质雷达测量数据中定量提取土路基的含水量。Aim To get water content from measurement data of ground-penetrating radar.

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他悬在火车的前面,离路基大约两英尺。There he hung, at the front of the train, about two feet above the roadbed.

山区公路路基常常采用土石混合料填筑而成。In the mountain area, the subgrade is usually filling by soil-rock mixtures.

利用含锰废渣代替天然粘土作为路基回填土。Slags containing Mn is used as the roadbed backfill instead of natural clay.