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好了,看过了惠远古城的风貌之后呢。Well, after a brief look at this ancient city.

日本人民也展示了热情好客的风貌。In the hospitality shown by the Japanese people.

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“淡”是宋诗较为普遍的审美风貌。Simplicity of poems is quite common in Song Dynasty.

展示了昌宁的山水田园风光及人文风貌。Changning shows pastoral scenery and human landscape.

其次,更新牯岭镇景观风貌。Second, update the landscape character on Kuling town.

陈寿的学术渊源正折射出当时的学术风貌。All of these reflect the academic situations of that time.

基里安首先观看了展示深圳城市风貌的电视宣传短片。A promotional video of Shenzhen was first played for Killian.

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本篇将向我们展现南浔、西塘的迷人风貌。In this vcd, we'll take you to Nanxun and Xitang have a look.

本篇将向我们展现周庄、甪直的迷人风貌。In this VCD, we'll take you to Zhouzhuang and Luzhi have a look.

不甘平庸是年轻的宣言,有角有棱是年轻的风貌。Immoderation young declaration, angular with sharp young outlook.

第四章论述汪藻诗歌的艺术风貌。The fourth chapter elaborates the Wang Zao poetry artistic style.

这种性格也影响到江淹的处世交友和文学风貌。This character also affects his making friends and writing style.

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中国画用线造型的历史悠久,历代白描作品风貌各异。It has alon g history and different paintings have various styles.

傣族南传佛教艺术的这种独特风貌,与“赕”有密切关系。This unique style and feature has close relationships with "dana".

因此,中西悼亡诗在表现死亡时也显示出不同的风貌。So Chinese and western memorical poetry appear the different style.

不同的吟唱方式便使诗作产生不同的风貌。Different ways of reciting bring about variant appearances of poems.

典美雅致结合休闲街头风,展现独特的时尚风貌!Elegance combines casual street style, display unique fashion style.

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本篇将向我们展现朱家角、枫泾的迷人风貌。In this vcd, we'll take you to Zhujiajiao and Fengjiang have a look.

这一切改变了信息技术产业的精神风貌。As a result, the ethos of the information technology industry changed.

现在城墙及城内建筑均保持着14—18世纪的历史风貌。Now the city wall and the building are maintained 14-18 century style.