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美国的M-4坦克战斗员。M-4 tank crews of the United States.

战士与只有敌对战斗员战斗。Soldiers fight only enemy combatants.

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本军全体指挥员、战斗员同志们!All comrade commanders and fighters of our army!

毫无疑问,我们需要有经验的战斗员。There's no question about our needing experienced fighters.

他们声称没有任何儿童战斗员。"They claim not to have any child combatants, " Kastberg added.

上次战争中,战斗员与非战斗员罹难的数目相等。In the last war as many noncombatants as combatants were killed.

他们是经济战线上的指挥员,而广大群众则是战斗员。They will be the commanders and the broad masses the soldiers on the economic front.

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要求我们的战士既是优秀的战斗员、生产者,又是群众工作人员。Our fighters are required to be good fighters, producers and workers among the masses.

它的战斗员如今把自己称为宗教勇士,它把可兰经经文加入其宣传。Its fighters now style themselves as religious warriors, and its propaganda is laced with Koranic verses.

白宫已经表示,他将在美国刑事审判系统接受审判,而不会被视为敌方战斗员。The White House has said he'll be tried in the US criminal justice system and won't be treated as an enemy combatant.

在某些领域,这两个组织的战斗员在指挥问题以及资源分配问题上不一致。In some areas, fighters from the two sides disagreed on chain-of-command issues, and on the distribution of resources.

分区政委和指挥官向这些战斗中的指挥员和战斗员表示致敬和感谢。The division Commissar and Commander have saluted and thanked to the commanders and fighters involved in these attacks.

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前面的大考验在于彼得雷乌斯是否已经堵住了所有可能的漏洞,让基地战斗员无法再次悄然逃脱。The big test ahead is whether Petraeus has plugged all the possible holes to prevent al-Qaeda fighters from slipping away again.

位于巴格达东北部的迪亚拉已经变成圣战战斗员的主要藏匿处,他们被驱离伊拉克首都和安巴尔省后就藏身此处。The province, northeast of Baghdad, has become the main hideout of jihadi fighters driven out from the Iraqi capital and from Anbar province.

每个团里不仅有指挥员和战斗员,而且还有教员、学员、男女演员、土改干部和农业专家。In each regiment, there were not only officers and soldiers, but teachers and students, actors and actresses, land reform cadres and farm experts.

在现代作战中,指挥员和战斗员都是掌握现代科技知识并具有创造能力的智力资源。In the modernized operation, commandants and fighters are all intellectual resources with modern knowledge of science and technology and creative power.

例如说,为什么人民解放军的指挥员和战斗员能够战胜在数量上和装备上都占优势的国民党军呢?For example, how were the officers and men of the People's Liberation Army able to beat the Kuomintang army, which was superior in both numbers and equipment?

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这些内华达的远程操作者在他们下班去沃尔玛或者去参加一个女儿足球赛的路上是否仍是合法的战斗员,换句话说,一个法理上的敌对目标?Does the remote operator in Nevada remain a legal combatant—in other words, a legitimate enemy target—on the trip after work to Walmart or to a daughter’s soccer match?

贝塔机变形过程好似某种超高技派的折纸,各部件流畅地伸展变薄,转变成了战斗员模式,一个闪亮发光的大力神式的机器人技术机身。The Beta reconfigured like some ultratech origami , thinning and extending as components flowed until it was in Battloid mode, a gleaming Herculean-looking Robotech body.

民主克伦佛教军5旅桑昂少校称,本旅改变战术,由于自身战斗员少于军政府,城市游击战可以更有效打击缅甸军政府。Maj San Aung of DKBA Brigade 5 said the brigade changed tactics because it has fewer fighters than the regime, so urban guerrilla warfare is a more effective way to hurt the junta.