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这里可以看到亚拉拉特山美丽的全貌。A wonderful panorama of the Ararat valley.

这就是阿姆斯特丹的市议会大楼的全貌This is essentially the town hall of Amsterdam.

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东南亚是世界的一个缩影,从它可窥知世界的全貌。Southern-eastern Asia is a epitome of the world.

上面这幅照片显示出古埃及城市Tanis的全貌。The image above shows the ancient Egyptian city of Tanis.

当行驶在公路上时,我们很少能看到事情的全貌。As we merge onto the highway, we rarely see the big picture.

站在烟台山上,可尽览烟台市全貌。Standing Yantai mountain, overlooking the Yantai can picture.

还有幸从一个屋顶酒吧鸟瞰紫禁城的全貌。We had a great view of the Forbidden City from a roof-top bar.

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不要把精力放在听辨个别单词上,一定要听文章的全貌。Don’t listen to individual words, but to the flow of the whole.

可是这些也许还不足以勾绘出苏东坡的全貌。And yet that might miss the sum total of what made up Su Tungpo.

我很期待她能够从车里出来,这样我就可以看到她的全貌了。I wanted her to get out of the car and let me see her full length.

批评无一不实,但难窥其全貌。None of this criticism is wrong, but it is hardly a rounded picture.

通常,通过与科学家单独讨论,不会得到故事的全貌。Often, talking to scientists alone will not give you the full picture.

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从附近的山顶上,你可以很好地看到这个地区的全貌。You can have a good view of this area from the summits of nearby fells.

E·O·威尔逊从蚁群出发让我们得以一窥进化的全貌。E O Wilson extended the lessons of the ant heap to the panorama of evolution.

上海金茂大厦观光厅有88层高,你可以从这里俯瞰城市的全貌。The observatory4 has 88 floors and you can get a bird's-eyes view from there.

大面积的森林全貌可以从一份图表中详尽地表示出来。The silvan panorama of large area is OK express in detail from inside a chart.

所以我想人们想过来看看全貌,参与其中。so I think that people just want to come and see all of it and be a part of it.

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游客可以在童牛岭俯瞰开发区的全貌。Visitors at Tongniuling can have a bird's- eye view of the entire development zone.

黑风口狂风呼啸,飞沙走石,但在风口可以饱览长白瀑布的全貌。Black tuyere wind whistled , but in Changbai tuyere can enjoy the waterfall picture.

但原来,我只是离拼图太近了而没有看到整副画的全貌。But it turns out I was just tooclose to the puzzle to see the picture that was formal.