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咽鼓管的通畅被损害。The patency of the eustachian tube is compromised.

这些卫星保证了多国部队的通讯通畅无阻。They supported the communics of the Allied Forces.

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念出来不流畅的文章读起来也不会通畅。Writing that does not sound right will not read right.

三是应采取机动灵活的形式,确保药材补给通道的通畅。Take flexible form to smooth the channel of medical supply.

另外,你要给孩子检查一下奶嘴,是否通畅。In addition, you give children pacifiers check whether patency.

加利利海实际上是一个淡水湖,他水流通畅,鱼产丰富,被视为天然宝藏。In that year of plenty, the seas yielded up a rich harvest of fish.

鼻腔喷剂会让你的鼻道通畅的,来,试试我的。A nasal spray will clear your nasal passages. Here, try some of mine!

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它必须保障跨里海-俄罗斯周边的能源走廊的通畅。It must keep the trans-Caspian, Russia-circumventing energy corridor open.

它能够通畅鼻塞,并能帮助缓解哮喘和花粉症。It will unblock a stuffy nose and can help alleviate asthma and hay fever.

河运通畅是城市发展的重要因素。Clear river transport plays an important role in the municipal development.

需要使用91号辛烷值的燃料,180度恒温器和通畅的排气。Requires use of 91 octane fuel, 180 degree thermostat and free flow exhaust.

有助于平衡组胺释放,三天或三天内时噢你鼻腔通畅。Helps balance histamine release and clears stuffy noses in three days or less.

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移植物内血流通畅,周围无异常血流。The bloodflow in the graft was patent without abnormal peripheral circulation.

滑囊起缓冲作用,以保证两个结构的通畅滑动。The bursae act as cushioning to allow smooth gliding between these structures.

接通水泵,确保水流通畅,并无渗漏现象。Connect the water pump, make sure that the water flow is smooth without leakage.

实现河道无淤积,水面清洁,引排通畅。Siltation of the river without realizing, surface cleaning, cited platoon fluid.

川芎嗪对家兔吻合口远期通畅率的影响,共吻合72条动、静脉,观察15天。Total 72 arteries and veins were anastomosed, which had been observed for 15days.

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少吃油腻食物,禁忌烟酒,并应经常保持大便通畅。Eat fat food less, no-noSmokeWine, answer to often maintain defecate unobstructed.

他们的任务是保护主登陆场的通道通畅,并封锁海滩。They were to protect the sides of the main landing area, and close off the beaches.

术后平均6天拔管,自行排尿通畅。All patients had got normal voiding after removal of catheter 6 days postoperatively.