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你知道九大行星吗?Do you know the nine major planets?

太阳系从此有了九大行星。The Solar System now had 9 planets.

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地球是九大行星之一。The earth is one of the nine planets.

太阳系主要由太阳和九大行星组成?。The solar system mainly consists of the sun and nine planets.

各大行星的轨道周期,不尽相同。The time to go around the sun is not the same for all planets.

地球是沿轨道围绕太阳运行的九大行星之一。The earth is one of mine planets which move in orbit round the sun.

地球是沿轨道围绕太阳运行的九大行星之一。The earth is one of nine planets which move in orbit round the sun.

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新发现的外星太阳系的最大行星是开普勒-37d。Thebiggest planet in the newfound alien solar system is Kepler-37d.

关于太阳系的九大行星你能回答这些测试题吗?Can you answer these quiz cards about the planets in our solar system?

云层在土星上打漩涡,土星是太阳系中第二个大行星。Clouds swirl on Saturn, the second largest planet in our solar system.

今年夏天,国际天文学联合会将决定是否仍旧把冥王星视为大行星。This summer, the IAU will debate whether Pluto should remain a planet.

关于太阳系里的九大行星,你知道哪些奥秘?What mysteries do you know about the nine planets in the solar system?

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天文学家早就认为,几大行星的轨道是可以预测的。Astronomers had thought that the orbits of the planets were predictable.

太阳系中的九大行星都叫什么?Nine planets orbit our sun, or are in our solar system. What are they called?

我们也正在寻找并试图找到适居带内的一些大行星。We are looking for planets and finding a few big planets in the habitable zone.

这九大行星和太阳一起组成了所谓的我们的太阳系。These nine planets, together with the sun, make up what is called our solar system.

月亮出来后,牧师看到几大行星排了起来,那么他的魔咒就生效了。After the moon came out, the priest saw the planets lining up so his spell could work.

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九大行星都自转,它们又都围着太阳按同一方向转动。Each of the nine planets turns on its own axis.They all go around the sun the same way.

九大行星都自转,它们又都围着太阳按同一方向转动。Each of the nine planets turns on its own axis. They all go around the sun the same way.

今天,托尼·里格斯和我开始讲述一系列有关我们太阳系里各大行星的故事。Today, Tony Riggs and I begin a series of reports about the planets of our solar system.