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我直视着格雷迪丝的眼睛。I looked Gladys straight in the eye.

她直视着他--活脱脱一个女巫的神气。She gazed at him--a pythoness in humour.

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直视幻蛟我以为你是明白这点的!Watches Jiao I thought you realize this!

就是哪一刻我深情的直视你双眼吗?。Is the moment where I look you in the eye?

“说实在的,”他直视着他的妻子。"Actually." He looks straight at his wife.

他们应该直视问题,and they should be more honest into the point

就是哪一刻我深情的直视你双眼吗?。Is this the moment where I look you in the eye?

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直视水池中倒映出的自己的脸孔?Staring on your face reflected in a pool of water?

但她直视前方,对一切都视而不见。But she looked straight ahead and through everything.

在与人聊天时,他会直视对方进行眼神交流。He would talk to the people, have direct eye contact.

真正的猛男,敢于直视惨淡的人生。Real macho man presume orthoptic miserably thin life.

这使我觉得我能直视伦敦东区人。It makes me feel that I can look the East End in the face.

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即便直视水钻中心,也不会察觉任何瑕疵。Even open heart diamond center, it will not detect any flaws.

是时候揭开纸老虎的画皮,直视中国的真实面目。It is time to leave the theater and see China for what it is.

只有那个坐在戴安娜身边的侍女似乎在直视亚克托安的脸。Only the nymph right next to Diana seems to stare him in the face.

你一不小心直视氦氩激光,暂停一轮并失去一只眼睛的视网膜。You accidently stare at a helium-argon laser, lose one turn and a retina.

相反,你应带站直,慢慢后退,千万不要直视熊的眼睛。Instead, stand up and back away slowly, without looking the bear in the eyes.

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柯瑟琳直视着他的双眼,淡淡的灰色,令人难以捉摸。It was his eyes that Catherine focused on. They were a soft gray, unreadable.

他躺在那儿,牙关紧闭,双拳紧握,两眼直视上方。He lay there, his teeth set, his hands clenched, his eyes looking straight up.

她那双兰色的眼睛,金色的雀斑被泪珠给放大了,直视着他。Her blue eyes, their gold freckles magnified by small shells of tears, stared.