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天气寒冷、阴湿。It's like cold and rainy.

我的左膝一到阴湿天气就犯病。My left knee acts up in damp weather.

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整个城市笼罩在阴湿的雨里。The damp rain mantled the whole city.

整个城市笼罩在阴湿的雨里。Thed amp rain mantled the whole city.

高寒阴湿地区区域水资源并不丰富。The water resource in high cold and damp area is not rich.

我自己知道我是阴湿内热体质,最怕的就是南方的阴湿潮气。I knew I was wet body heat, fear most is the southern wet moisture.

香菇都生在阴湿的地方,因此它们长的都像雨伞。Mushrooms always grow in damp places, which is why they look unbrellas.

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我的左膝一到阴湿天气就犯病。My left knee acts up in damp weather. Her arthritis is acting up again.

一股尘封的气味扑鼻而来,空气阴湿而又沉闷,这屋子长久没有人住了。A stream of dusty smell of wet, air and depressing, the room long without people live.

在1994年,这条河可能就是冥河--通往另一个世界的阴湿之路。In 1994, it might as well have been the River Styx—a dank passageway to the underworld.

本种植株高大,外形美观,适生于阴湿的环境,亦应用于园林布置。The species can be used as an ornamental plant for growing in sheltered and wet places.

上校对于在农舍里度过的那些阴湿寂寞的夜晚和单调平凡的白天感到很害怕。The colonel dreaded his dunk lonely nights at his farmhouse and the dull, uneventful days.

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较封闭的地形,偏酸性的土壤和阴湿的气候也是形成酸雨的影响因素。The close topography, slight acid soil and moist climate are favor for acid rain formation.

豆坝河自西向东穿流境内25公里,气候阴湿多雨。Beans wears he flow from west to east the territory of 25 kilometers, damp and rainy climate.

进入二月,学校周围的积雪融化了,取而代之的是凄冷的阴湿。The snow melted around the school as February arrived, to be replaced by cold, dreary wetness.

这里高寒阴湿,雨量充足,最适宜当归和其它中草药材的生长。Cold damp here , adequate rainfall, the most appropriate material angelica and other herbs to grow.

高寒阴湿地区特殊的气候条件下,填隙碎石垫层和石灰土结构层是防治路基冻胀翻浆的有效技术措施。In the high cold wet zone, using fill gap macadam bed course or lime stabilized soil base course can prevent mud boil availably.

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英国气象阴湿严寒,风大,特殊到了冬季,夜长昼短,从午餐到晚餐之间时间漫长。British weather wet cold, wind, big, especially in winter, shorter days and longer nights, from the lunch between to dinner time long.

黑桫椤属植物起源古老,具有科学研究价值,本种亦适合栽培于阴湿处供观赏。It is a primitive tree-fern of value in scientific research, and also can be used as an ornamental plant for growing in sheltered places.

五加皮,俗称倒跑牛,又名五爪子,崇信境内阴湿山区天然次生林中随处可见。Wujiapi , commonly known as run down cattle, also known as the five claws, believe in the territory of natural secondary forest in damp mountain can be seen everywhere.