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这是骨牌效应。It's a domino effect.

冰岛语中多米诺骨牌怎么说?What's the Icelandic for "domino"?

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然而这份多米诺骨牌并不会倒地如此之快。Yet the dominoes may not fall so fast.

他们搭建了三百四十万个多米诺骨牌。They set up over 3.40 million dominoes.

日曜日玩多米诺骨牌违法。It is illegal to play Dominos on Sunday.

我们可以一起玩多米尼骨牌了。We can play with the dominoes Dominique.

这将引发一系列多米诺骨牌效应。That will be the trigger for so many dominoes to fall.

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正在聚集多米诺骨牌或者“弹跳”效应。There is a domino or ricochet effect that is building.

可以使用领域专门化来避免这种多米诺骨牌效应。This domino effect can be avoided by using domain specialization.

我们见面,一起玩多米诺骨牌,我带给他们巧克力并且多次交谈。We'd meet, play dominoes, I'd bring chocolate and we'd talk a lot.

哦,我知道了,巴基斯坦可能成为ISIS的多米诺骨牌。Oh, I know, Pakistan may become a domino for the ISIS. Well, tough.

你必须找到一个押韵的词和桌面上其他的多米诺骨牌相匹配。You have to find a rhyming word to match the dominoes on the table.

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把豆腐切成长方薄片如骨牌状,排成圆形铺于碟上。Cut beancurd in rectangle, then place them in plate in circle shape.

有美洲银行的担保,华尔街下一张大号多米诺骨牌暂时还不会倒下。BoA had guaranteed that Wall Street's next big domino would not fall.

如果一国在这些恐吓战术面前被吓倒,其它国家就会像多米诺骨牌那样相继倒下。If one country gives in to these scare tactics, others will fall like dominos.

逢甲大学机电系挑战46000片骨牌活动,是否成功?。The MCAE of Feng Chia University challenged 46000 dominoes, were they success?

昨晚电视直播了四百三十多万张多米诺骨牌在两个小时之内互相倾轧的情况。More than 4,300,000 dominos were knocked over during a two-hour TV show last night.

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甚至排在多米诺骨牌行列第一块的越南自1995年起也成为了大家庭的成员。Even Vietnam, the first domino in the queue, has been part of the family since 1995.

昨晚,在一两小时长的电视秀节目里,超过430万多米诺骨牌被推倒。More than 4.3-million dominoes were knocked over during a two-hour TV show last night.

在此同时,这些危机促使投资者关注谁会成为下一个要倒下的多米诺骨牌.The crises, in the meantime, have investors looking around for the next domino to fall.