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改变线条的粗细和长度。Vary the thickness and length of the lines.

改进灯芯粗细后的测试纪录。Improvement wick thick thin after test record.

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长短、粗细与女性性快感Length versus Girth and Female Sexual Pleasure

每条线均有粗细,长度和线质之分。Every line has a thickness, a length, and a quality.

现在许多领带的宽度只不过相当于一根绳子的粗细罢了。Now many neckties are no wider than a piece of string.

我们把钢管按粗细和长短分类。We ranged steel pipes according to thickness and length.

“玫瑰巨人”的枝干多刺,粗细和男人的手指差不多。The stems are as thick as a man's finger and very thorny.

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复制粘贴不会改变你字体的粗细比率。Copy-paste should not change the contrast in your typeface.

不同的笔画宽度会产生不同粗细的线条。Different stroke widths produce lines of different thicknesses.

接下来,我们也许可以试着变化边线的粗细、颜色和样式。Next, we might try varying the border thickness, color, and style.

由于资材纹路粗细不一致,需要配双并对号裁断。Workers need to match pairs and size No. due to the different grains.

PAS染色见大型圆形孢子和粗细不一的分隔菌丝。PAS staining revealed irregular septate hyphae and large round spores.

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授权和访问控制的粒度粗细不等。Authorization and access control can vary from coarse- to fine-grained.

带有4毫米粗边框的框。您可以更改边框的粗细。Box that has a 4-mm thick border. You can change the border's thickness.

例如,有一种装置是由一些长短、粗细不同的木棒组成。One, for instance, consisted of rods of various lengths and thicknesses.

线宽是指给定路径的中心到两边的粗细。The line width is the thickness of the stroke centered on the given path.

一根头发粗细的光纤,能在每秒传送数兆位元的资料。A hair-thin fiber is capable of transmitting trillions of bits per second.

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粗细得当,太粗似显笨拙,太细失之纤弱。Weight properly, may seem too rough clumsy, missing the delicate too small.

就是这些细小的衬线让他有像“e”一样的粗细对比。Just those tiny serifs make sure there are thick and thin parts, like the 'e' has.

灯头,灯杆粗细适中,色彩调和雅致,造型雍容大方。Lamp holder, lamp post moderate size, color and delicate, grace appearance modeling.