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形容情人的娥眉。Made to his mistress' eyebrow.

因为是娥眉,所以,赢的希望很大。Because it is a crescent, so to win a lot of hope.

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确保你是在黄昏时分,去捕捉娥眉月,因为黄昏时,它就会落下了。Be sure to catch the moon at dusk, because it sets around nightfall.

如果可以,请各位记得一个曾经为娥眉奋斗的人,少逸。If you can, please remember that once a struggle for the crescent , and Shaoyi.

他们还了解到,娥眉月在晚上稍晚一点升起后,直到第二天太阳升起来后才隐去。They knew the warning moon rose later each night until it vanished in the sunrise.

若你这个桃花仙子有知,会不会娥眉横竖,为自己讨个说法?If you have to know that Peace to all, will crescent anyway, for his discussion of argument?

当娥眉新月听说它不过是渐趋完美的碎片时,或许会心存疑虑地抱以浅笑。Perhaps the crescent moon smiles in doubt at being told that it is a fragment awaiting perfection.

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月亮明天将是崭新的,然后在日落后的接下来的一些日子里会渐渐转为娥眉相位。The moon will be new tomorrow and then in a waxing crescent phase in the west after sunset in the next few days.

娥眉山不仅是世界文化与自然双遗产还因其佛教文化而扬名。Mount Emei is famous not only because it is the natural and cultural relics of the world but also because of the Buddhism culture here.

星期五的夜晚,日落后向西看去就能看到暮色天空中距离土星和狮子座轩辕十四不远的娥眉月。Friday evening, look westward soon after sunset to see the waxing crescent moon not far from the planet Saturn and star Regulus in the twilight sky.

黄昏时刻,一抹娥眉月和天枰座的双星氐宿一和氐宿四低低的悬挂在西南方向的天空上。The waxing crescent moon and the constellation Libra's two major stars – Zubenelgenubi and Zubeneschamali – appear rather low in your southwest sky at nightfall.