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订户的订阅名称。Subscriber's subscription name.

然后订户会收到一份电子邮件警报。Subscribers then receive an email alert.

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我是贵报的订户。This is one of your newspaper subscribers.

你的工作就是按订户的订单配齐货物。Your job will be to make up the customer's orders.

但是这项服务从2007年开始将只对订户开放。But the service will be subscription-only from 2007.

删除应用程序将会断开订户的连接。Removing the application disconnects the subscribers.

这样做就是希望获取更多的读者并让这些读者成为新的订户。The hope is to capture heavier users as new subscribers.

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单个主题可以同时拥有持久订户和非持久订户。A single topic can have both durable and non-durable subscribers.

如果我是一名有线视界的订户,我极可能愿意分摊这笔收费。If I were a Cablevision subscriber, I would probably want to pay.

已故的订户抚养的家庭成员会从统计中排除。Dependents of a deceased subscriber are excluded from their counts.

计费系统将发票记录与订户帐户关联起来。The billing system associates invoice records to subscriber accounts.

为非持久订户创建另一个激活规范。Create another Activation Specification for the nondurable subscriber.

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第一幅图是订户版本的封面,第二幅图是文字原稿,第三幅图是售报处的版本。The second is the original composition. The third is the newsstand edition.

任何会员或订户给予创富网之通知必须以书面形式并以电邮或邮递发出。Notice to Richsix shall be in writing and shall be made by email or by post.

假设某个订户客户机想在某次服务中订阅所有的“美国证券价格”。Say a subscriber client wants to subscribe to all US Equity Prices in a service.

订户仍然可以使用软体至原订下次租用付费日前一日。The subscriber still can use the software till the day before next payment date.

iCloud是一项雄心勃勃的服务,订户每年支付24.99美元,就能每天通过基于云计算的账户将所有的数据——音乐、应用程序、书籍、视频、照片等等——自动备份并进行存取。automatically backed up on a daily basis and accessible via cloud-based account.

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控制台应该指示两个订户均收到了该消息的复本。The Console should indicate that both subscribers received a copy of the message.

两年后,有超过2000个DIYbio电子邮件列表订户。Two years later, there are more than 2, 000 subscribers on the DIYbio e-mail list.

他负责这个村征求晚报的订户。He is responsible for canvassing the village for subscriptions to the evening paper.