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在摩耶的诱捕下,我差点儿死去。Ensnared in maya, I am all but dead.

他用了些乳酪诱捕耗子。He used some cheese to trap the rat.

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不,实际上叫作勒索。诱捕是**对付贼的手段。Entrapment is what cops do to thieves.

一个关键的问题是在哪里放置诱捕陷阱。A key question is where to place traps.

猎人们以罗网诱捕狮子。The hunters used nets to entrap the lion.

当昆虫食用这种诱捕剂的时候,其中的硼酸会将它杀死。Boric acid kills the insects when they eat it.

方法捕蝇笼诱捕法。Methods Trapping the flies using fly-capturer.

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它们确实定期诱捕小昆虫。They do trap small insects on a regular basis.

他们将这种诱捕剂喷洒在人工池塘附近的植物上。They sprayed it on plants near man-made ponds.

树根缠绕和诱捕再次对英雄有效。Entangling Roots and Ensnare work on Heroes again.

我们不应该追猎伴侣,而应该诱捕他们。We should not hunt our mates, but rather lure them.

诱捕的作用时间15秒降低到12秒。Ensnare duration reduced from 15 seconds to 12 seconds.

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该队队员装扮成毒品贩子,诱捕罪犯头目。The team posed as drug dealers to trap the ringleaders.

缠上或诱捕它的牺牲品的复杂的捕捉机。An intricate trap that entangles or ensnares its victim.

另一个问题是一个村庄需要放置多少诱捕陷阱。Another question is how many traps a village might need.

常被诱捕以获取其贵重的浅棕黑色毛皮。It has been trapped for its valuable Brownish Black fur.

我们可以把糖果放进灭鼠药里,以此诱捕老鼠。We can trap the mice by putting candies in the rat-bane.

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梵天被诱捕到五种元素的陷阱里,他哭泣着。Brahman weeps, entrapped in the snare of the five elements.

魏也喜欢掘出鳝鱼,捕捉青蛙,诱捕乌龟。Wei also liked to dig out eels, catch frogs, and trap turtles.

肉食植物诱捕并消化臭虫和其它小型生物。Carnivorous plants trap and digest bugs and other small critters.