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迈克想在耳垂上穿个孔。Mike wants to get his lobe lanced.

用大拇指和食指捏住耳垂温柔的向下拉,轻轻的向外呼气,重复6次。Breathe out gently. Repeat six times.

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再用玫瑰香水洗濯耳垂。I baptized my earlobes with rosewater.

佛罗伦萨的女人在耳垂上涂胭脂。Florentine women rouged their earlobes.

Ellen耳垂上的钻石耳钉闪闪发光。Ellen’s ears glow with diamond earrings.

只用喙口对着耳垂呼唤,“亲爱的。”"Dear" the dear beak in the dear concha crying.

按摩你的耳垂就可以减慢你的心跳。I can touch your earlobe and slow your heartbeat.

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我要从耳垂取一点儿血化验。I'll take some blood from your ear-lobe for testing.

但这些重耳环会伤及耳垂。But heavy earrings like these can damage your earlobes.

我要从耳垂取一点儿血化验。I'll take a little blood from your ear-lobe for testing.

现在你要做的是轻轻的咬这个小婊子的耳垂。Now all you gotta do is nibble on this little bitch's earlobe.

幸好那对耳环是夹上去的,我的耳垂并没有受伤。Luckily they were clip-ons, so my lobes suffered no real damage.

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对213例耳郭和耳垂的类型进行了观察。We also observed the types of external ear and lobe in 213 cases.

夹拉耳垂能使思想清醒、眼明神足。Clamping and pulling earlobe can make thought clear, good foot god.

较大的儿童应量耳垂到鼻梁再到剑突的长度。For the older child, measure from earlobe to bridge of nose to xiphoid.

白色的鸡蛋壳是因为母鸡的毛和耳垂都是白色的。White shelled eggs are produced by hens with white feathers and white ear lobes.

齐塔自己就不守传统,在一只耳垂上穿了一根别针。Zita was herself unconventional, keeping a safety- pin stuck through her ear lobe.

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轻轻地吻下去,吮吸,轻咬她的耳垂,能够让一种麻痹的感觉贯穿全身。Gently kissing, sucking and nibbling her earlobes will send shivers down her spine.

两只狗都已经去世了,但三年前他救了希芭一只布尔塔尼长耳垂毛狗。Both dogs have since died, but three years ago he rescued Sheba, a Brittany spaniel.

第2步左手食指和拇指握拉您的右耳垂,并确定拇指甲面是背向脸。Step 2. Take your hand and hold your right earlobe with your pointer finger and thumb.