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野人海岸迅猛龙遗址。Savage Coast Raptor Fields.

这是马家浜遗址。This is the Majiabang Ruins.

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斯特卡纳神庙遗址,墙壁满位老壁。Karnak temple site in Luxor, Egypt.

这就是山顶洞人的遗址。This is the site of Upper Cave Man.

看过了跨湖桥遗址。After seeing the Kuahu Bridge Ruins.

就是这里—淹城遗址啊。It's right here-the site of Yancheng.

这一站就是小山火山遗址。That's the site the Xiaoshan Volcano.

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你是说龙窑遗址吧?You mean the site of the Dragon Kiln?

要跟卡拉米塔遗址说再见了。Saying good bye to the Kalamita ruins.

那在遗址处发现的稀有铭文呢?The rare inscription found at the site?

图示一九七四年在龙鼓洲的考古发掘遗址。The excavation at Lung Kwu Chau in 1974.

Kalasa城堡遗址的现代雕像。Modern sculpture in Kalasa Citadel ruins.

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南沟屯村正好建于这个遗址上。Nan gou village just build on the relics.

眩晕遗址之一的心灵,而攻击。Giddiness ruins up one's mind while attack.

对对对。就是龙窑遗址。Yes, yes. It's the site of the Dragon Kiln.

遗址博物馆,古安哥拉遗址,雅典,希腊。Agora Museum, Ancient Agora, Athens, Greece.

看这些历史遗址,真令人惊叹!Look at these historical relics here, amazing!

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为了保护遗址,又将遗址进行了回填。To protect it, we had to backfill on it again.

莉萨真的很喜欢参观北京猿人的遗址。Lisa really enjoyed visiting Peking Man's home.

哈姆达尼说,“遗址巨大无比,你可以为所欲为。”The site is huge. You can do whatever you want.