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李大钊是中国革命的前驱。Li Dazhao was a pioneer of the Chinese revolution.

目的调查与分析精神分裂症患者的前驱症状。Objective To probe the prodromal symptoms in schizophrenia.

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笔直的前驱有些象一辆没有弹簧减震的汽车。Straight forequarters is somewhat like a car without springs.

后躯的角度要和前驱的角度平衡。The hindquarter angulation balances that of the forequarters.

你的葡萄糖耐量减低,也可以说你患有前驱糖尿病。You have impaired glucose tolerance, also called prediabetes.

手动机械式前置前驱两轴变速器。Two-shaft manual transmission for front wheel drive applications.

前驱期可持续数日至数周。Prodromal stage can count day to reach several weeks continuously.

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有些精神运动性发作,也可出现类似大发作的前驱症状。Some psychomotor seizures, grand mal can be the precursor of similar symptoms.

最后研究了均匀沉淀反应沉淀动力学和前驱体的煅烧过程动力学。The kinetics in the process of precipitation and calcination were also studied.

张元济作为中国近代出版界的前驱,名扬全中国。Zhang Yuanji was wellknown all over China as the pioneer of modern press field.

该法由前驱体合成、干燥、煅烧等步骤组成。The process includes synthesis, dry and roast of cordierite precursor and so on.

采用FT-IR对合成的前驱体及杂化涂料进行了结构表征。The structures of precursor and hybrid coatings are characterized by use of FT-IR.

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文献检索显示,3种酞菁前驱体和11种酞菁未见文献报道。So far 3 kinds of precursors and 11 kinds of phthalocyanines had not been reported.

为了确诊你是否罹患糖尿病或是前驱糖尿病,常会用到两种血液检查。Two blood tests are commonly used to determine if you have diabetes or prediabetes.

暴发型为前驱症状之后,很快出现呼吸困难、发绀。After cruel hairstyle is prodrome, appear very quickly breathe difficult , cyanosis.

步态要展示出前驱有足够的延伸,后躯要有足够的推动力。Gait shows good reach in the forequarters and good driving power in the hindquarters.

对肥胖和超重的人们而言,其前驱糖尿病转化为糖尿病的风险更高。Obese and overweight people are at high risk of having prediabetes turn into diabetes.

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全驱和前驱车的牵引力则被用在转向和驾驶。In FWD and AWD available traction at the front is divided between steering and driving.

分别以煤沥青、石油中间相沥青和AR沥青为前驱体制备炭泡沫材料。Carbon foams were prepared from coal tar pitch, petroleum mesophase pitch, and AR pitch.

酵母的活力是影响蛋白酶A及其前驱物生成量的重要因素。The yeast activity exerts a great influence on the generation of PrA and its precursors.