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八戒把你那颗手榴弹拿来。Pig bring you hand grenades are sinking.

八戒!不要忘了谁吃了最后一点食物!Baijie! Don't forget who ate my last meal!

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八戒忙对着唐僧下跪,口喊师傅。唐僧非常吃惊。You silly, kneel down to meet your master.

我们的小英雄能战胜狡猾的小八戒吗?Can our heroes possibly defeat this wily creature?

悟空,那鲤鱼精还是让八戒下水去捉吧。Wukong, that carp sperm into the water to catch it or let Pig.

八戒、沙僧,好好保护师傅,我马上就回来。Bajie, Shaseng take good care of the master, I'll be back soon.

八戒,老沙,你们在这里和她周旋,我去救师父。Pig and the old sand, you are here dealing with her, I save the Master.

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他心地善良、安于天命,他的本领更比悟空,八戒是弱一些。He is kind-hearted, destiny, his skill is more than Wukong, pig is weak.

——鸟在笼中,恨关羽不能张飞,人处世上,要八戒更需悟空。The bird in the cage, Guan Yu can't hate Zhang Fei, man, to eight more to wu.

八戒、沙僧上前助战,最后把牛魔王打得现出原形。Sand came to Monkey's help and forced the Bull DEMON King to show his true colors.

您好,八戒,我是来自雅典的火娃欢欢,我就象那冬天里的一把火,用熊熊火光燃烧了整个中国。Hi, I'm Huowa, comes from Athens, who lighted the whole China like the firebrand in winter.

这里八戒是时时记得观音曾劝他不要为妖吃人的恩德。Always remember that here is Journey to Guanyin urged him to refrain from eating demon Ende.

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我的天啊。八戒!我告诉你多少次不要这些美女图片带在身上。My god. Bajie! How Many times I have told you, not to bring these pictures of beautiful girls with you!

八戒,你别急其实,不见得参加奥运会才是为国效力啊!Bajie, don't worry. In the case, even if you don't participate in Olympic, you can also make contribution for motherland!

如果说“八戒”寓意生活中的“八项戒条”,对于生活你是一种怎样的态度?If we say that the "Pig King" implies the "Eight Commandments" of life, then what's y?And what's your attitude towards life?

重要的是,我悟能猪八戒的法号,取得了轰动的广告效应,我八戒的名字可是一字千金哟?。Importantly, I can realize the Buddhist name Pig made a sensation in the advertising effect, but I cherished the name of Pig yo?

悟空听了,安慰陈家人不要怕,他和八戒扮作童男童女到庙中等妖怪。Learning this, Monkey King consoled the Chens, and promised them that he and Pig would act as the boy and girl to wait for the spirit in the temple.

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但寻找下一颗龙珠的必经之路是小八戒害怕的大沙漠,令人生畏的拥有狼牙风风拳的沙漠强盗乐平就住在那里。Oolong is terrified, for he knows that the Diablo Desert is home to Yamcha, a fearsome bandit who possesses the awesome power of the Wolf's Fang Fist.

布尔玛和小悟空寻找龙珠一路来到了一个遥远的小山村。在那儿,他们遇到了小八戒,这个会变形的怪物正威吓着村里的居民。Bulma and Goku's search for the Dragon Balls takes them to the remote valley where they encounter Oolong, a shape-changing monster who is terrorizing Aru Village.