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对她冷嘲热讽是让她闭嘴的唯一方法。A sharp put-down was the only way to shut her up.

一开始他还只是漠不关心,后来竟变得冷嘲热讽起来。He swung from mere indifference to outright scorn.

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从一开始,全球契约组织就饱受冷嘲热讽。The Global Compact attracted cynicism from the start.

欧共体官员的冷嘲热讽似乎已经得到了验证。The cynical Eurocrat has seemingly been proved right.

通常地,出于充分的理由,这种B级片受到了普遍的冷嘲热讽。This B-movie fare is widely mocked, often for good reason.

他穿了夹克衫、打了领带,结果他的同事对他冷嘲热讽。His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie.

王永庆没有被别人的冷嘲热讽吓倒。Wang Yung-ching is not intimidated by other people's cynicism.

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卡可夫谈起往事时也没对那些日子冷嘲热讽。Karkov was not cynical about those times either when he talked.

对于男人,恨是最常用的冷嘲热讽,败类,和种族主义。For men, hate is most often used with cynicism, scum, and racism.

尽管他受到冷嘲热讽,他还是走自己的路。Despite all the scorns he was poured on, he followed his own path.

加布尔雷思说,“也许是因为它那种现代风格的玩世不恭和冷嘲热讽式的幽默。Maybe it's because of its very modern cynicism and sardonic humor.

金融市场恰如其分地对美国的政治冷嘲热讽。The financial markets are appropriately cynical about U.S. politics.

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斯佩兰斯基听着,对马格尼茨基要讲的话事先就冷嘲热讽。Speransky listened, laughing beforehand at what Magnitsky was going to say.

感谢您从不冷嘲热讽孩子眼中感到迷惑茫然的事情。Thank you for never being sarcastic The thing that baffles and bewilders a child.

冷嘲热讽、寻求自己、注重物质利益,不愿意受真理的约束。Cynical, self seeking, materialistic and ungoverned by the principles of the Truth.

你给世界最好的,而换来的可能只是冷嘲热讽。You have given the world the best. But you may have satires and mockings in return.

最终,国民冷嘲热讽他无能,他才被迫迅速采取行动。Finally, lampooned by his countrymen for his impotence , he was spurred into action.

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当我们口出恶言、粗言秽语、对人冷嘲热讽,便是以恶劣态度待人。We are rude when we put others down with harsh or obscene words, insults, or sarcasm.

而悲观,冷嘲热讽或沉默则成为家庭沟通的主基调。And pessimism, sarcasm or silence becomes the dominant style of family communications.

他来时默默无言,郁郁不乐,冷嘲热讽一通之后就走了。When he came, he was silent and moody, and after a few sarcastic remarks he went away.