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游离和水解的甲醛。Free and hydrolyzed formaldehyde.

研究了产自于一株节杆菌的肌酐水解酶。A creatininase produced from a Arthrobacter sp.

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亚硝酸水解N-氨甲酰-D-苯丙氨酸制备D-苯丙氨酸。Nc-D-Phe is hydrolyzed to D-Phe by nitrous acid.

水解时只产生氨基酸的蛋白质。An enzyme that hydrolyzes peptides into amino acids.

预处理对白鲢鱼肉蛋白质酶水解有影响。Pretreatment affected the hydrolysis of Silver carp.

水解在氢氧化钠溶液中进行。Hydrolysis was going on in sodium hydroxide solution.

尿素在水中会水解成氨。Urea naturally breaks down into ammonia in the water.

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水解反应对金属钛的浸出率有很大影响。Hydrolysis of titanium influences leaching rate greatly.

本公司拥有高压搪玻璃水解罐。The company has high-pressure tank Tang Boli hydrolysis.

GTP水解控制微管的生长。Figure GTP hydrolysis controls the growth of microtubules.

核酸部分水解形成的苷。A glycoside formed by partial hydrolysis of a nucleic acid.

对腈纶纤维的水解工艺进行研究。Hydrolization technology on acrylic fibers is investigated.

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在碱存在下,能水解生成甲酸盐。In the presence of alkali, hydrolysis can generate formate.

研究了含氰废水的加压水解反应。Pressured hydrolysis of cyanides in wastewater was studied.

酶改性主要包括水解和交联。Enzymatic modification includes hydrolysis and cross-linking.

水解胶原蛋白I型和III是一个多功能的产品。Hydrolyzed Collagen Type I & III is a multi-function product.

未萌发种子的糊粉粒含有水解酶。The aleurone grains of ungerminated seeds contain hydrolases.

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这些配方包括水解牛奶及大豆配方。These formulas include hydrolysed cow's milk and soy formulas.

从桂叶油出发,通过碱性水解制备天然苯甲醛。Natural benzaldehyde is prepared by hydrolysis cassia leaf oil.

对邻苯二甲酸酐水解反应动力学进行了研究。The hydrolysis kinetics of phthalic anhydride was investigated.