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为什么大象这么皱皱巴巴?Why are elephants so wrinkled?

她怀里抱着一个皱皱巴巴的大塑料袋。She held a large, crumpled plastic bag in her arms.

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可是我的衣服全是皱皱巴巴,是布的。But my clothes were made of cloth and all were crumpled.

褴褛的黑色西装皱皱巴巴的,还有星星点点的油渍。His worn black suit was wrinkled and spotted with grease.

一个穿着皱皱巴巴制服的小个子男人坐在驾驶员的位子上。A small man in a wrinkled uniform sat in the driver's seat.

这时他的目光汇聚到床头柜上一页皱皱巴巴的宣传单。His eyes focused now on a crumpled flyer on his bedside table.

穿着皱皱巴巴的衣服,说明你很懒。Walking around all wrinkled and creased sends a message of laziness.

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一堆皱皱巴巴的靠枕依稀辨得出伊利里欧曾经的碾压。A pile of crushed cushions remained to show where Illyrio had sprawled.

然后,他伸手到枕头下摸出几张皱皱巴巴的钞票。Then, reaching under his pillow, he pulled out some more crumpled up bills.

我把皱皱巴巴的纸塞进裤子后袋,匆匆忙忙地朝楼下跑去。I shoved the wrinkled paper into my back pocket and ran, making it downstairs in the nick of time.

他们会接受一个口袋鼓鼓囊囊、衣服皱皱巴巴、松松垮垮的人的几句赞誉之辞吗?Will they accept these few words of tribute from a pocket-stuffer, a rumpler and crumpler, a bagger?

他个头很矮,脸上皱皱巴巴的,所以朋友们管他叫醋溜先生。He was little and old and his face was wrinkled, and that was why his friends called him Mr. Vinegar.

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杰克·尼科尔森一改往日皱皱巴巴的休闲打扮,穿上了夹克配紫色领带,作为复活节节日打扮。Jack Nicholson dressed in his Easter Sunday best, wearing a jacket and purple tie instead of his usual rumpled look.

这张皱皱巴巴的照片已经证明了——空中力量不仅在天空具有统治地位,在海上也是如此。It was all there in the grainy photos—conclusive proof of the warplane's dominance not only of the sky, but of the sea.

眼泪落在了展开的书本上,上面的钢笔字变得一片模糊,而我的胳膊把以前崭新的白纸边压得皱皱巴巴的。My tears fell on the open book and smudged the ink while my arms wrinkled the corners of the once crisp and white pages.

它是一只小黑猫,迈克叫它蝙蝠猫,因为它是那么其貌不扬,毛色暗淡,长着一张扁扁的小猪脸,耳朵皱皱巴巴地耷拉着。This was the little black one Mike had named Bat Cat because he was so homely, with his dull fur, squashed porcine7 face and little folded flaps of skin for ears.

看上去很美,到手后却是皱皱巴巴,没图片漂亮,很是失望,没有再次购物的欲望,甚至影响了消费者对于整个电子商务网站的态度。Looks beautiful, but after the hand is wrinkled, no picture beautiful, very disappointed, there is no desire to shop again, and even affect the consumer's attitude to the whole e-commerce site.