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事情还是上了太平洋战区公报。The pacific communiques included it.

他们的家人住在各自的战区里。Their families live in their own war zone.

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迈克尔是一个众所周知的战区摄影师。Michael is a well-known war-zone photographer.

所有从战区寄来的信件都经过了检查。All the letters from the war area were censored.

欢迎来到战区单人战役模式!Welcome to the Warzone single player campaign mode!

他们感到惊讶,因为是战区。they get surprised, I guess, because it's a war zone.

“大力神”运输机中被部署到战区。Watchkeeper being loaded on a C-130 transport aircraft.

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兰潘说上述战区不需要坦克。Commanders in those areas are not requesting tanks, Lapan said.

中国战区的情况给美军提出了独一无二的难题。The China theater posed unique problems for the U. S. military.

这个小组负责清理战区的地雷阵。The team was responsible for clearing minefields in the war zone.

“星球除夜战”,战区防备体系,国家防备体系皆属于将去空间战的一部门。Star Wars", TMD and NMD belong to a part of the future space war."

就像“噢,我去了战区,我为你战斗。”and be like "Oh, well, I was in a war zone, and I fought for you."

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如今在危险的战区驴行也有罪了?!?!Can't people just take a hike in dangerous war-zones these days ?! ?!

反政府组织之前遗责政府方杀死了49个战区医院里的人。The rebels earlier accused the army of killing 49 people in a hospital.

一号作战是中印缅战区遭遇的一个重大危机。Operation ICHIGO provoked a major crisis in the China-Burma-India theater.

如果战争爆发,这三大军区将成为一个高度协调的战区。In the event of war, all three regions become one well-coordinated theatre.

许多人把黎巴嫩当成中东,就好像一个战区一样。A lot of people here think of Lebanon as the Middle East, as like a war zone.

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“马特洪恩计划”在当时中国战区的优先地位由此可见。From this letter, we can see the priority of the Matterhorn Project in China.

美国在中国战区需要面对两个最主要的挑战。The United States confronted two fundamental challenges in the China theater.

他们也成为“爱国者”和战区高空区域防空系统的巨大运输力量。they also serve as heavy transporters for Patriot and THAAD air defense systems.