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我来说一下我的浅见吧。Let me give my humble option.

我来颁发一下我的浅见。Let me give my humble opinion.

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对这件事,我能表达一些浅见吗?May I offer my two cents on this matter?

当然,这仅是一家浅见。Of course, this is only a humble opinion.

我是日本人。我叫浅见真规。I am a Japanese. My name is Masanori Asami.

以我的浅见来说,这很聪明,而且也帮助了我们。This, IMHO, is smart and helps us out, too.

蒙古族中学校本课程开发的浅见。Simple opinions on school-based curriculum development.

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采用什么格式来编制等,提出自己的浅见。Use what format to weave etc, offer oneself superficial view.

因其效果甚佳,故将不才的浅见写下,以供交流。Its effect is very good and it will be of the opinion written for communicate.

那么,请大家看看我对“现代教育技术”的浅见。So, ask everyone to see me to the shallow view of" the modern educates the technique".

并就今后开发利用研究的方法、内容、前景提出浅见供同道参考。The authors' view is presented on the way, content and prospects of this task in the future.

以我的浅见薄识是无法全面理解这个问题的。I cannot have a complete understanding of the problem with my poor opinion and shallow learning.

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现对消防监督工作中如何加强廉政建设谈一些浅见。Some humble opinions on how to strengthen the clean government in the fire inspection are talked about.

真正的玉文化的起源,我个人的浅见,和装饰品的出现有很大的关系。The real origin of jade culture, my own humble opinion, and the emergence of a great decorative relationship.

提出了本人对于在此类型的国有企业内进行项目管理的一些浅见。Proposed myself regarding carry on the project management in this type's State-owned business some humble opinions.

在最后的结论部分对如何加强我国中央银行的独立性和责任性提出了浅见。Finally, in the conclusion, some ways to enhance the independence and accountability of China central bank are offered.

本文通过对招投标在工程造价管理方面发挥的效用进行粗浅的分析,并发表一些浅见,以供大家参考。Based on effective role of bidding in construction cost management, this paper makes some humble opinions for reference.

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本文仅就其中的索梁分载法提出些个人浅见。In the article, the author puts forward his personal views only on the method of separating load between cable and beam.

本文对民用建设工程安全生产管理存在的安全问题进行粗浅的分析,并发表一些浅见。In this paper, safety problems of civil construction project management are analyzed and some shallow views are presented.

以我的个人浅见,那些认为自己了解所有问题的人和把我们带到今天这步田地的人是一帮家伙。In my humble opinion, people who actually believe they can understand all the issues are the ones that got us to where we are today.