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不能硬挺的。Can not be starched.

这个男人正硬挺挺的。The man was hardening.

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这场病他硬挺过来了。He succeeded in pulling through the illness.

他望着弗勒,弗勒硬挺挺地站在一边,离他有几尺远。He looked at Fowler, who was standing stiffly a few feet from him.

介绍了利用丙烯酸酯核壳共聚乳液生产硬挺剂的方法。The synthesis method of stiffening agent was introduced in this paper.

人工合成的表面活性剂尽管是非常有效的清洁剂,但通常也会令洗后的衣物变得粗糙硬挺。Synthetic surfactants are effective detergents but have a tendency to leave our clothes rough and stiff.

达格人有鳍状的耳朵和硬挺的猪似的鼻子,他们光滑的皮肤,在耳鼻和脖子部位松弛下坠。Dugs have smooth skin, which hangs loose and pouchy around their necks, fin-like ears, and pronounced snouts.

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结果表明,平行股线针织物具有顶破强力高,布面纹理清晰,硬挺度好等优点。The results showed that the former was stronger in bursting, better in texture feature and stiffness than the latter.

已经64岁的金斯利,患有筒状胸但依然性感的老战士,鼻子硬挺,面貌整洁。Kingsley, who is sixty-four, has the grizzled barrel chest of an aging sexual warrior, a strong nose, and a shaved head.

本文主要研究了涤纶织物的硬挺整理工艺和阻燃整理工艺,开发了具有一定硬挺性和阻燃功能的窗帘。The stiffness finishing process and the flame-retardant finishing process of polyester fabric are studied in this paper.

壳聚糖在织物的整理中还具有抗菌、固色、柔软、硬挺、毛织物防粘缩等作用。In addition, the chitosan has the properties of micro-organism resistance, fixation, softness, etc. in textiles finishing.

该成膜剂有效提高玻纤的浸润性、硬挺性,以适应FRP新工艺对玻纤的要求。It increased effectively the impregnation, stiffness of glass fiber, so as to meet the requirements of new technique of FRP.

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他仿效他的老板,爱系一条硬挺的白领带,衣服穿得紧紧贴贴,总是扣上全部钮扣。He affected a stiff white cravat, after the example of his principal, and was always closely buttoned up and tightly dressed.

这种树脂成膜后具有良好的耐碱、耐水性和硬挺度,可用作玻璃纤维网布涂层。This resin has good alkali and water resistance and proper stiffness , thus suitable for the use as a coat for fiberglass meshes.

在那硬挺的衬衫和短发的掩藏下,他的情感和理智是同情民权运动,并且希望和平解决这个问题的。Underneath his starched shirt and short hair were a heart and a brain that sympathized with the peace and civil rights movements.

特好的柔软度、透气、透湿性能,彻底消除了其他动物绒毛闷热、硬挺的缺陷。Special good softness, air permeability, moisture permeability, completely eliminates the other animal down sultry, stiff defects.

织物硬挺度测试仪,可通过简单操作及计算测出织物的弯曲高度、弯曲刚度、弯曲模量。Fabric Stiffness Tester. To determine the bending height, flexural rigidity and bending modulus of fabric by simple procedures and calculation.

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同样款式的服装他用柔软而具有流动感的薄绸制作与使用硬挺的塔夫绸制作,看上去会有较大的区别。A dress made in a soft flowing fabric such as silk chiffon will look very different from the same dress style constructed in a stiff taffeta fabric.

比如,一件用硬挺的黑色面料制作的夏姿长外套中,唯一体现中国传统风格的地方就是一朵简单的绣花。For example, in a long coat from Shiatzy Chen made with a stiff black fabric, the only hint of Chinese traditional style is a simple embroidered flower. And a suit Ms.

试验结果表明,采用优化的各项工艺参数,不但能达到优良的硬挺效果,还能降低布面游离甲醛含量,减少刺激性气味。The experimental result showed that the ideal stiffening effect, lower formaldehyde content and less odor on the fabric could be obtained under optimal process conditions.