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他在钢琴上乱弹,发出刺耳的声响。He scraped on the piano.

这是凝固一切的声响。It's a petrifying sound.

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树倒下来时我听到哗啦一声响。I heard crash as the tree fell.

浅流水声响。Shallow streams make most dins.

你可听到了哪些奇怪的声响?Did you hear those queer noises?

好家伙,那里没有一点声响。Man, there wasn't a sound in there.

当爱已逝,它是唯一的声响。It's the only sound now love's gone.

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我们的声响在空屋间里反响。Our voices echoed in the empty room.

是的,它毫无声响,没有拨号音。Yes, it's dead. There's no dial tone.

前门的门铃激烈地发出刺耳的声响。The front door bell jangled viciously.

雨落在铁皮屋顶上发出滴滴答答的声响。The rain was drumming on the tin roof.

海盗船里遽然响起了古怪的声响。Corsair in sudden sounded strange sound.

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他竖起耳朵去听那声响。He strained his ears to catch the sound.

可我却再也听不到那个独腿男人的声响了。I can't hear the one-legged man any more.

请在哔声响后开始留话。Please start your message after the tone.

务使你的脚镯不发出声响。See that your anklets make no loud noise.

雨点敲击金属屋顶,发出很大的声响。The rain drummed loudly on the metal roof.

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枪砰的一声响,鸟儿都飞了。Crack went the gun and away flew the birds.

我曾去那里和人就声响交换意见。I went there to visit and talk about sound.

鞋底的足音是唯一的声响。The sound of their feet was the only sound.