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他借调到外文出版社工作去了。He is on loan to the Foreign Languages Press.

我的同事都收到他们借调的轮廓。My colleagues are all received they secondment outline.

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3位教师已暂时借调给英文系。Three teachers have been loaned to the English Department.

另外还从各区借调技术骨干来帮助工作。It was also seconded from district technology backbone to help.

我只是有一个问题,为什么我没有收到借调的轮廓?I just have a question, why I didn't receive the secondment outline?

他是由法国政府借调到联合国秘书处去工作的。He was sent to the U.N. secretariat on secondment from the Government of France.

苏姗从上个工始就被借调到附属厂去当口译人员。Susan has been on loan to the affiliated plant as an interpreter since last month.

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2008年,她被借调到西盟斯律师行上海代表处工作多月。In 2008 she was seconded to the Simmons& Simmons Shanghai office for several months.

他开始时是被电机公司借调,去搞企业体制改革。He was at the beginning of the electrical company on secondment , Qugao enterprise reform.

在某些情况下,合作关系也可能需要借调企业人员。Under certain conditions, the partnership may involve the secondment of corporate personnel as well.

加上从其他地方借调来的警力,伦敦街头的警察数量大约是往常的三倍,达到了1.6万人。Borrowing from other forces, the number of officers on London's streets was almost trebled, to 16,000.

比如,当我刚开始在毕马威新加坡工作时,我就制定了以后要参与海外借调计划的目标。For example, I set a goal to go for overseas secondment when I first started my career in Singapore office.

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如公司认为必要,其可以从投资方的关联公司借调临时雇员。If the Company deems necessary, it may take temporary employees seconded from affiliated companies of the Investor.

事实上,现在看来,三分之一的职位将由借调的外交官担任,而其余职位留给了欧盟布鲁塞尔机构。In fact, it now seems that a third of posts will go to diplomats on secondment, and the rest to the Brussels bureaucracy.

田中引用新舄地方文化的理由,解释她为何借调家族企业员工担任国会助理。Citing Nagaoka's local culture, Tanaka explained why she hired employees of her family firm to be her parliament assistants.

此外,香港警队并借调一名警务人员,前往法国里昂的国际刑警常务秘书处,为其中一个专家组工作。Hong Kong Police officer is seconded to the ICPO General Secretariat in Lyon, France to work in one of its specialised groups.

法官助理之遴聘事项及借调办法,由司法院定之。The rules governing selection and temporary transfer for the position of Judge Assistant shall be determined by Judicial Yuan.

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这些助理是从东京以北两百公里她的选区新舄县一家她家族开的巴士服务公司借调来的。These assistants were hired from her family's bus company in her constituency, the Nagaoka County, 200 kilometers north of Tokyo.

从1988年到1993年,他被借调到日内瓦世卫组织,成为卫生人力资源发展司的一名科学家。From 1988 to 1993, he was seconded to the WHO in Geneva as a scientist in the Division of Development of Human Resources for Health.

伦敦大都会警察厅取消警察部队的休假,并从其它警察部队借调大批警力。London's Metropolitan Police Department canceled the police forces leave and secondments from other police forces a large number of police.