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学生们七嘴八舌,说什么的都有,比如。What does this word mean in your eyes?

七嘴八舌话春晚,你最喜欢的春晚节目是什么?Which is your favorite program in the Spring Festival Gala?

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议事厅里大家七嘴八舌地继续讨论这个案子。In the court, the ministries discussed the case by varying opinions.

教室里,同学们都围了上来,七嘴八舌地问到底出了什么事。But as soon as the students saw me come in, they started to ask me "What happened?

我们跟老板解释了一遍,又七嘴八舌和尼泊尔姑娘解释了一遍。We explained it to the boss again, and rhetoric and Nepal girl explained it again.

“零”、“圈”、“未完成的事业”、“成功”,台下的听众七嘴八舌地答道。Zero, circle, unfinished business, success, the audience answered all sorts of gossip.

因此,这个年轻的公鸡把一个蝴蝶结,七嘴八舌,以帮助世界上保持平衡。So this Young Rooster puts on a bow-tie and rushes to help maintain balance in the world.

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结果一公布,大家就七嘴八舌地议论开了。Announcement of the results touched off discussions with everybody eager to put in a word.

五年后的今天,我站在中学舞会上,周围是七嘴八舌的一群女孩。Now, five years later, I stand in a cluster of gossiping girls at our middle school dance.

班里顿时如市场般热闹,大家七嘴八舌的议论着种植方法。Class at once, such as market-like excitement, everyone rushes to talk with farming method.

一大群人围在案发现场,七嘴八舌地讨论着!As soon as crowd person surrounds to be on record, discovers site, all talks at once land discussion!

一个身材矮小的人推挤着想到队伍的前头,但被推了回来,而且大家还七嘴八舌地大声斥责他。A small man pushed his way to the front of the line, only to be pushed back, amid loud and colorful curse.

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男男女女都七嘴八舌地说出他们的惦记和盼念。With seven mouths and eight tongues, all were talking together. They tried to tell how they had missed him.

若是国内所有勾心斗角的政治家和利益集团都来七嘴八舌一通,结果必然是一片混乱。If polarised politicians and contradictory domestic interests all chip in, the result is likely to be confusion.

在现在中国的会议来说,最起码的防伪标志我看莫过于七嘴八舌。One minimum"anti-counterfeit label", for meetings and conferences in China nowadays, should be lively discussion.

于是幼儿七嘴八舌地说开了,这个问“老师,为什么你一笔画出的墨有深有浅呀?”Bork, bork, bork child care that was opened, the question of "teacher, why do you draw a deep ink you have a light?"

一群人围观一个男人修水管,七嘴八舌地提建议,这时候,一条狗尝试把我的地图偷走。While a group of people gathered around a man fixing a water main, offered advice. Later, a dog tried to steal my map.

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当更多的人加入进来,七嘴八舌地交谈,我立刻就觉得难以插嘴。When you add more people to the mix, and everyone starts talking at once, I have a harder time putting in my two cents.

教师节后话,七嘴八舌中,最出风头的是该不该取消教师节,令我深感意外。Teacher Festival, then in animated conversation, the most flamboyant of the Teacher's Day should not be abolished, so I am accident.

集训结束后,大家都围住安吉位,七嘴八舌地问她一些是否认识参加过奥运会的游泳运动员之类的问题,我却匆忙向自行车走去。When the workout was over, everyone crowded around Angela, asking her if she knew any Olympic swimmers and stuff like that. I hurried toward my bike.