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为可预见的事准备好偿债基金。Sinking funds for foreseeable events.

你是一个无力偿债的破产者?。Are you an unrehabilitated insolvent ?

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这样就将偿债剥离于年度拨款的政治活动。This removed debtservice from the politics of annual appropriations.

公司定期把现金存入偿债基金。At regular intervals, the corporation deposits cash into this sinking fund.

Kirlin认为,经济衰退期间费城应该暂停偿债。Kirlin said the city should suspend its debt payments during the recession.

这就是国家的偿债能力要比政府债务更加重要的原因。This is why the issue of national solvency goes beyond what governments owe.

现在,问题或许更多的是与缺乏偿债能力有关,而这一问题则更加难以解决。Today, the problem may be more a shortage of solvency, which is harder to solve.

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而寻找偿债资金的第一步就是停止浪费金钱。The first thing to do in your hunt for debt-destroying cash is to stop wasting money.

但斯泰勒斯去年漏判了我们四、五个点球,所以可能这是偿债。但他仍然欠我们四个点球。But Rob Styles turned us down four or five times last year so maybe it is payback time.

衰退已经横扫了一切,包括从慈善事业到偿债能力。The recession has hit everything from philanthropy to stripping to the solvency of Nevada.

再一次,各国经济经历了信贷危机,偿债成本捅破了屋顶。Once again, economies experienced credit crises, and debt-servicing costs went through the roof.

一旦无力偿债银行的无担保债权人真的遭受损失,市场纪律就将重返整个行业。Once unsecured debtholders of insolvent banks lose, market discipline would return to the whole sector.

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再次,他将某些税源专门用于偿债,其优先权高于其他支出。Third, he dedicated certain revenue sourcesto repayment of the debt, with priority over other spending.

不管二级债券市场如何波动,偿债基金均要向一个特别账户支付预付款。No matter how the price moves in the secondary bond market, the prepayments are made to a special account.

其他官员暗示,这暗示债权人同意在自愿基础上接受延迟偿债.Other officials suggested the term implies debtholders agreeing on a voluntary basis to accept later repayment.

还一个干净的基础油具有较好的偿债能力的添加剂和可容纳上污垢粒子暂停更好。Also a clean base oil has better solvency for additives and can hold on to dirt particles for suspension better.

她每接一次客收入只有100泰铢,可是她除了偿债,还得付三万泰铢的房租。She was told to repay it, as well as a monthly rent of 30,000 baht , from her earnings of 100 baht per customer.

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“最后贷款人”的责任并不延伸到不具偿债能力的金融机构,也不包括向政府提供的央行贷款,即通常所说的公共债务货币化。Nor does it cover central bank lending to governments. That is more usually called monetization of the public debt.

一家德国报纸称,梅克尔已经认定希腊无力偿债,并将敦促进行强制债务重组.A German newspaper said Merkel had concluded Greece was insolvent and was pushing for a mandatory debt restructuring.

其次,实施结构性改革以提高增长潜力和偿债能力,这将带来长期红利。Second, structural reforms to raise growth potential and the capacity to service debt will pay longer-term dividends 31.