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柳树转白,山杨颤动著。Willows whiten, aspens quiver.

她忍俊不禁地颤动着嘴唇。Her lips twitched with amusement.

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地震使大地颤动。The earthquake thrilled the land.

大地在他脚下颤动。The ground quaked under his feet.

我们都感觉到了地震时的颤动。We all felt the earthquake tremors.

你对我的抚摩,化为爱的颤动。You touched me and tingled into love.

金色的晚霞在西方颤动著。A golden afterglow throbbed in the west.

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金色的晚霞在西方颤动着。A golden afterglow throbbed in the west.

那颤动飞行并且静止的羽箭!That vibrates, flies, and that does not fly!

在砸了第六下后,他的肌肉停止了颤动。After five more his muscles stopped quivering.

当火车从桥上开过时,桥身随之颤动起来。The bridge trembled as the train went over it.

发动机开动时指针就颤动。The needle pulsates when the engine is running.

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一阵若有若无的颤动表明这些蘑菇是安全可食用的。A feeble tremor indicates that it's safe to eat.

他站到椅子上,椅子被踩地颤动起来。He steps up onto the chair. It wobbles queasily.

他说话时嘴在不断地颤动。His mouth was working away when he was speaking.

空气似乎随着亮光而颤动。The air seemed to pulsate with the bright light.

也许当音乐响起时,心还会跟着节奏一起颤动。Though the music sounded, her heart beat bitted.

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大卡车从旁经过时整个房子都颤动。The entire house vibrates when a big truck goes by.

他的眼睛遇到她的眼睛,眼光微微颤动了一下,望到别处去了。Her eyes met his, wavered a little, and looked away.

莱尼的嘴唇颤动着,眼里涌出了泪水。Lennie's lips quivered and tears started in his eyes.