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为贵会代祷,请寄上代祷资料。Pray for your Ministries, Please send me information.

在和其上代病毒环境相同的情况下,这个病毒也会进化吗?Did this strain evolve, too, in the same circumstances?

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现在,在这个点上代入值。OK, so, now let's just plug in some values at this point.

这是第一代没有上代好的Kindle。This is the first Kindle that's not as good as the one it replaces.

您是说我委托贵行缴费,贵行从我的牡丹卡账户上代扣。You mean that I entrust you and then you pay the charges directly from my card account.

就连步惊云及上代武林神话无名亦成为阶下囚。Even Bujing Yun and martial arts myth of previous generations has become a nameless prisoner.

但弗林教授也发现,青少年的得分却比他们的上代人有所降低。But ProfessorFlynn also found that teenagers' scores had dipped slightly overthe past generation.

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你愿意每天用5分钟为我们的新任长执献上代祷吗?。Are you willing to take aside 5 minutes each day to pray for the newly elected elders and deacons?

继续一段旅程后,一种比上代强劲的加速感总是隐约出现。To continue the journey for some, more than behalf of a strong sense of acceleration is always looming.

第三问题是抵押权的物上代位权的规定是否适用于船舶物权。The third question is whether the provision of real subrogation of mortgage can be applied to the mortgage of ship.

唐长安私家园林的艺术性较之上代又有进一步升华。Compared with the private gardens of the preceding dynasties, the art of private gardens of Tang Changan had been enhanced.

Rod认为,IT需要一个摆脱了复杂、臃肿和上代架构局限性的平台From Rod's point of view, IT needs a platform that is free of the complexity, bloat and limitations of prior-generation architectures

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关于上代iPad,批评的焦点集中在其缺少前后摄像头和双核处理器,不过现在这些问题都解决了。The most glaring criticisms had been the lack of front and rear facing cameras and a dual core processor, both of which have been resolved.

最新研究显示,由于文化传播与校园教育的低能化,如今中产阶级家庭的青少年的智商要比他们的上代人偏低。Middle-class teenagers are less intelligent than a generation ago due to the dumbing down of youth culture and school tests, a new study suggests.

最新研究显示,由于文化传播与校园教育的低能化,如今中产阶级家庭的青少年的智商要比他们的上代人偏低。Middle-class teenagers are less intelligent than a generation ago due to the dumbing down of youth culture and school tests, a new study suggests.

物上代位性是物权的重要特征,抵押权作为支配标的物“交换价值”的担保物权,当然也有物上代位性。As the right of guaranteed goods that justified the exchange value of the subject matter, mortgage right certainly has the characteristic of subrogation.

一个家系中唯一的患病个体,可由上代遗传基因决定,也可由于新突变产生。参见散发。Isolated case --- An individual who is the only member of his or her kindred affected by a genetic disorder, either by chance or by new mutation. See also sporadic.

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抵押权的物上代位性是指在抵押物毁损、灭失之情形,抵押权人对其变形物仍然享有优先受偿权。The mortgage-bit behalf of the material is defined as collateral damage, loss of situation, mortgagee its deformation structures still enjoys priority for repayment.

但是市场上代金卡销售竞争仍旧十分激烈,零售商们使出浑身解数,想出了很多新花样来吸引顾客,他们甚至在某种程度上扩展了“卡片”这个单词的定义。" Still, the market for gift cards is so competitive that retailers are offering new bells and whistles to draw shoppers in, even stretching the definition of "card.

我们相信他由童女所生,有完全无罪的生命,在地上行各样神迹,在十字架上代赎受死,身体复活,升上高天,及真实的第二次再来。We believe in his virgin birth, sinless life, earthly miracles, substitutionary death on the cross, bodily resurrection, ascension into Heaven, and literal second coming.