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谢谢你放的马后炮。Thanks for your belated advice.

仅有的完美的科学就是马后炮。The only perfect science is hind-sight.

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对大多数软件项目而言,质量是马后炮。For most software projects, quality is an afterthought.

安全多下及时雨,教育少放马后炮。Safety more timely rain, less education an afterthought.

不过今年早些时候的情况已经清楚地表明,他们总是空放马后炮。But early this year it was already clear that they have always been a step behind events.

然而,颜色往往只是通盘决定之后的马后炮,有时候甚至被不管不顾。However, far too often color enters the equation as an afterthought, or worse, not all all.

“妈妈打麻将,爸爸炒股票,奶奶练气功,爷爷马后炮”的英文翻译。Mother plays mahjong, father trades shares, grandma practises Qigong, grandpa plays Chines.

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你放马后炮倒很容易,现在才说我住那旅馆真笨!It's easy for you to be wise after the event, and tell me that I was foolish to stay in that hotel.

据马施的经验,一般情况下,火山学家只能就凝结成岩的岩浆做一些“马后炮”的工作,或者在火山喷发的时候以熔岩为研究材料。Normally, he said, volcanologists have to do "postmortem studies" of long-solidified magmas or study active lava

这样其实是马后炮,而在当时无异于在刀尖上行走。Strategic decisions like this are easy in hindsight, but in the heat of the moment you're walking on a knife-edge.

目前的一项研究显示,在做决定之后洗洗手能防止我们对已经做出的选择放马后炮。A recent study suggests that washing our hands after making a decision can keep us from second-guessing our choice.

我可能是在放马后炮,但我觉得我们走错了棋。我们应该雇一个专业的公关公司来处理这个危机。With 20-20 hindsight, I'd say we made a bad move. We should have hired a professional PR company to deal with the crisis.

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现在放马后炮是容易的,但在一个美国深受创伤并伺机寻找反击形式的时刻,做起来就没那么容易了。Easy to say in hindsight, less easy to enact at a moment where America was traumatised and searching for a means to hit back.

事实上,说这些不满足以使公民反抗领导人的,只不过是在放马后炮而已。The fact that these grievances were serious enough to lead citizens to revolt against their leaders is only obvious on hindsight.

他们声称决定的意识性有可能只是纯粹生化反应的马后炮,对人的动作行为没有任何影响。They argue that consciousness of a decision may be a mere biochemical afterthought with no influence whatsoever on a person's actions.

到一年的年底,对我们大多数人来说,这都是一个省钱的决定,年年如此,但这种聪明只能是马后炮。At the end of the year, for most of us in most years, that would have been an economical decision, but its wisdom can be judged only in retrospect.

你可以说我是马后炮了,但是拜托上一年他们四人可是打进了总决赛啊,哈登证明了自己值得一份顶薪,但是雷霆却做出了错误的举动。Yes you can say revisionist history but c'mon that run to the finals they made, Harden established his max contract worth and they made the wrong move.

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我不想让大家觉得我是个自私自利爱放马后炮的人,不过当初我们真的试图管制过'两房'。I do not want to let everyone think I was a selfish love of the people trying to be wise after release, but we really try to control first over 'two-room'.

而是作为思考、个体的理性人,即便是从事后认识的绝对性优势和星期一早晨的放马后炮中,我们中也没有一个人能说绝对有效。As thinking, rational individuals, not one of us can claim infallibility, even from the overwhelming advantage of hindsight and Monday moring quarterbacking.

另有条马后炮的规定是,议案指令美国总审计长研究薪酬计划与过度冒险之间是否有必然联系。Rather belatedly, the bill orders America's comptroller-general to study whether there is a connection between compensation structures and excessive risk-taking.