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友情是知趣相投的共享。Friendship means sharing same interests.

老板一来,她立刻变得知趣多了。When the boss comes, she knows her place.

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卢鹤永看到后很知趣的回避了。After Lu Heyong see very discretion in avoidance.

没有按门铃,在当天这样做是知趣的。There had been no ring, which was discreet on such a day.

遇到这些情况,最好知趣地结束谈话。In these cases, the best got the message to end the conversation.

他为什么那样不知趣,老是要上这儿来?What can he mean by being so tiresome as to be always coming here?

她巧妙地使这些不请自到的客人知趣儿,没有再呆下去。She tactfully discouraged their uninvited guests from staying longer.

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我们想这样她应该知趣地走开了,但他没有。We both thought that he would take the hint and get lost, but he didn't.

我知趣得很,决不打搅你,看你什么时候跟我说话。I was Very discreet and didn't disturb you, just to see when you'd speak to me.

舰队的管弦乐团指挥站在一边,面色虽愠怒但很知趣。The ship's orchestra's conductor stood to one side, looking peeved but apprehensive.

“不管怎么说,她没有去舞会,总算是知趣的了,”阿切尔太太接着说。"It was, at any rate, in better taste not to go to the ball, " Mrs. Archer continued.

那些心怀叛以致不肯相信的人,至少也应该知趣一些,不要开口呀!And those who were so traitorous as not to believe should, at least, have the decency to keep their mouths shut.

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然而有些危险的命令却会不知趣地突然跳到我们面前,有些人在无意识中就会触发这些危险。Dangerous commands, however, are often presented right up front where unsuspecting users can accidentally trigger them.

很明显这个女人心里有事,也可能是讨厌某个不知趣的人。She was quite clearly a woman with something on her mind, and was perhaps irritated by the presence of an unwanted guest.

胖老板点头哈腰道,希望白衣少年见到杀痕本人后能够知趣放手。The fat owner nods to adore a waist way, wish white dress the youth after seeing kill a scar me can be tactful to let go.

他的妻子于是受到警告,若他不知趣的随他进入洞穴,必会被洞中的火龙烧死。His wife was being warned that if he did not know as he entered the Original caves, holes will be the fire dragon burned to death.

说错一个词,一个不妥的眼神,或者一次不合时宜的笑声,任何人都会惹得大人狂怒不已而代价便是那个不知趣的家伙的皮了。One wrong word, an ill-considered look, an ill-timed laugh, any of them could provoke his lordship's wroth and cost a man a strip of skin.

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曾聪明告诉田在天还要再次比赛的时候,来到了万家香警告唐家如果知趣的话就退出比赛。Once smart tell field in the day to play again, came to the thousands of sweet warning wealthy tangs if know ones place, you can drop out of the race.

老公说真是个好地方,除了有阵阵风声,其他的都很知趣地装聋作哑,远离城市的灯光,漆黑的天幕都是一种诱惑。Husband says is a good place really, besides have a flatus reputation, other very sensible ground pretend to be deaf and dumb, be far from urban lamplight, inky tent is a kind of temptation.

武则天生下的第二胎是个女孩儿,非常可爱,王皇后也很喜欢,经常去看望,等高宗快来的时候便知趣地先走了。The second child Wu Born was quite a cute girl, very cute. Empress Wang was also very fond of this girl, and she often went to see her, and every time when Gaozong came, Wang would leave first.